Monday, September 16, 2024

Nothing New on the Double Hovel, But a Curious Observation

Sunday afternoon, I had a mini shopping trip with The Pony. Afterwards, I suggested we drive by the Double Hovel Flip House(s). The listing has not been updated with pictures of the Beauty Shop. Imagine that! After just discovering the neglect on Friday afternoon.

"I came by on the way to your house, and there ARE signs for the realtor in front of both houses. We can drive over there if you want. It's only a mile or less."

"Yeah. I have time."

Dang! That Beauty Shop efficiency cottage looked SO gosh-darn cute! The red door and black trim around the windows really makes it pop. We've gotta get pictures of this on the listing.

Anyhoo... I parked in front of the main house.

"Pony. Somebody left the gate open. I first thought it might have been the realtor's husband when he put the signs out. But notice that this sign is on the OUTSIDE of the fence. So he didn't have to go in the yard. MAYBE somebody came by to look and went in the fence to peep in the windows. That's what I hope, anyway."

"Yeah. Or maybe Dad left the gate open..."

When mentioning it to Hick later, he said he did NOT go in the main house, and did NOT leave the gate open. So we are hoping it was somebody looking at the property.

I will update with any news, including if/when the Beauty Shop pictures go up. Sorry to be stuck on this topic, but it's the most excitement we have around here.


  1. I hope it is resolved soon - the pictures should have been up in the first place!

    1. Agreed! It's the major selling point of this property, that there are TWO houses. She even has it listed as a "multi-family" dwelling. Which is the category for apartments, duplexes, condos, etc.

    2. 'Multi-family' does not accurately describe the property. So far, I am not impressed with this woman.

    3. It's also listed under "houses," so there are no other categories that apply on We had a good experience buying Pony House from her agency, which is why Hick went back to her to sell the Double Hovel.

  2. Replies
    1. A gate doesn't open itself. So somebody went into the yard, at least.

  3. The plot sickens! Who left the gate open? And when? And where are those blasted pictures? Hmmmmm.

    1. You tell me! I see the open gate as a good thing. It never happened in the two years Hick was working there. So I can only assume it was somebody looking at the property.

      The lack of half the pictures is annoying. It's almost as if THE UNIVERSE IS CONSPIRING AGAINST VAL!

  4. Like Linda I'm not impressed with the realtor calling it a multi family dwelling, but as long as it sells soon it probably doesn't matter.

    1. Well, I suppose the two of you should virtually put your heads together and re-write the real estate listings language, since the only categories are:

      Multi Family

      People can clearly see that it's a "house," and it shows up in that category as well. I prefer it being in the "multi family" category, because there are hardly ANY listings there for investors looking for rental property. Currently, there are only two listings for that category in our county. Our Double Hovel, and a 4-unit apartment building.

    2. Maybe it could be listed as house with separate granny flat, or separate flat suitable for student or older family member. Here it would be the "separate granny flat" option.

    3. That could be put into the written description, but it still falls into the "multi family" category.

  5. Maybe the beauty shop house deserves a listing of its own with an explanation that it is part of listing for the other home.

    1. I think that would be more confusing. People don't READ these days! They would look at it, and think they could buy just the Beauty Shop. When Hick had it listed for sale on Facebook, and with a sign in the yards, people would text and call, asking how much rent he wanted, though it clearly said FOR SALE.

      Also, I don't think it can be listed separately if it can't be sold separately. I don't know all the real estate rules, but I've never seen a listing like that.
