Monday, September 9, 2024

Formalities Are Finished

You may recall that Hick brought home papers for The Pony and I to sign on Tuesday. Papers that would give the realtor permission to list our Double Hovel Flip House(s) for sale. I signed on Tuesday evening, and The Pony signed on Wednesday morning (his day off) when Hick took them by his house.

Hick took the papers back to the realtor after his Senior Center lunch on Wednesday. But of course it was not that simple.

"She was out of the office. So I just slid them under the door like she said I could if she wasn't there."

On Thursday evening, I asked Hick if he'd heard anything from the realtor.

"No. Why would I? I put the papers under the door like she said."

"I just thought maybe if you'd forgotten something, she'd let you know."

"No. I haven't heard anything."

I asked Hick again on Friday evening. 

"No. But I drove by the house, and I saw that she had put a key box on it."

"How do you get into those, anyway? With a code, I assume."

"It's for other realtors to show the house, and she can split the commission if they sell it."

"I know that part. But how do the other realtors actually access the key?"

"Maybe they have a key to the box."

"No way every realtor in the county is going to have a key to a box! I'm thinking it's a code number. And surely they wouldn't give a prospective buyer access without a realtor. They could vandalize the place, or move in!"

"I don't know exactly how it works."

"Did she have her signs in the yard?"

"No. But she took mine down!"

Well. That only makes sense. Can't have Hick selling the property on his own, icing the realtor out of a commission!


  1. Exciting! Are you guys looking to do another flip or do you think you're finished now?

    1. We are thinking about doing another flip. The house we had our eye on is already under contract, only four days after being listed. We snoozed, we losed, heh, heh!

      Hick hadn't even driven by it yet, but had looked at the online pictures. Of course he drove by after I told him it was PENDING. Hick says, "Something could still go wrong with the sale." Unlikely, but we'll keep watching that property.

  2. I'm fairly certain that you are right about the code for the key box. When we sold our townhome, we were having work done inside, even though we were listing it with our realtor. The man who did the work needed access and was given the code from our realtor. We also already had an interested party who had her own realtor looking for her and needed access to show her client the unit. Realtors share almost everything. Probably the I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine, concept. Ranee (MN)

    1. The code idea makes the most sense. Nobody's going to hand out 50 keys. Imagine if every realtor had a key to every property!

      I can understand realtors sharing property info and access. Half a commission is better than NO commission!

  3. I think it would be a code too. I'm glad it is finally listed and hope it sells quickly.

    1. We can hope! It's been a long time coming, though not anybody's fault.

  4. They do have a code number to punch in which opens the box.

    1. Good to know! Even better to know that Hick's theory was proven wrong...

  5. When my menopausal brain could lock myself out of my house twice a day and often, I bought one of those boxes, put my key in it and attached the box to the house! It had a four number code that moved little discs to different numbers. It was a lifesaver for me.

    1. That was a most scathingly brilliant idea! Hick had a hidden key for us, but there's no way I could get to it. Good thing the one time we needed it, I had grade-school aged Genius to retrieve it!
