Friday, September 6, 2024

Hick the Do-Gooder Does Another Good Deed

Hick's work partner, Old Buddy, had some difficulties this week. His car quit working. It's a foreign model, and apparently the computer part of the engine is the issue. He was telling Hick about it. That he doesn't have much money saved up, and he doesn't know how he's going to get that car fixed.

Hick reminded Old Buddy that he pays him every week (in cash) for his hours of help. And reminded him that he has all these people he does things for. "Where are they NOW? Those people you always give rides to, and help out? Are they doing anything for you?" Old Buddy said that one of them has offered to give him a ride if he needs it. Hick was just pointing out (as he seems to do often) that Old Buddy should set aside some of that money he earns, in case he needs it, and not just use it to help people who (in Hick's opinion) might be taking advantage of Old Buddy's kindness.

Anyhoo... a guy came to look at Old Buddy's car, and said he would need to order a part, and that it would cost $450 for him to fix it. Hick is good with cars, but not the computerized parts. He called his go-to guy, Mick the Mechanic, and presented the scenario. Mick said that most likely, Old Buddy would need to take that car (a 2012 model) to a dealer for such repairs. And the only dealers for it are in the city (60 miles away). Mick also said that there ARE some people who will come fix it. Hick found out that a dealer in the city would charge $1,500 for such a job.

The guy who said he'd work on Old Buddy's car says the part he ordered should be here next week. Hick told Old Buddy that he would loan him the money, and that he can work it off. Meanwhile, he will drive Old Buddy to the Storage Units on the weekend, so he can still work at his own shop. But that he'll have to be there the same hours as Hick.

He's really a pretty good guy, our Hick.


  1. Hick is a good guy, but Old Buddy really needs to learn to save a little from every dollar he earns.

    1. Yes. All I know is what I hear from Hick. Which is that it's not like Old Buddy is burning through that money buying extravagant things for himself. He's using it to assist other (mostly younger) people who are capable of helping themselves. Perhaps some relatives, or some friends of his girlfriend.

  2. I can remember always helping people who just disappeared when I needed the same type help! I am glad Hick can and will help. Hopefully, old buddy will be ready to go on weekends. Maybe old buddy will rethink save some money for emergencies and helping all the people who have disappeared.

    1. Hick has given him that advice often. This time Old Buddy might realize its importance.
