Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Day Val Sent a Man To Prison

Saturday afternoon found me at the Liquor Store to buy scratchers. I had to park nose-in to a car in one of the six parking spaces down front. That meant the drive-thru line could impede my exit, being lined up behind T-Hoe's rear when I needed to back up to pull around the car in front of me. In fact, as I got out, a lady in that line was backing up. She asked, "Are you going in or out?"

"IN! I mean, in the store. You're not in my way."

So that lady pulled back into the line, and I hobbled across the lot and up the hill into the Liquor Store. The clerk was the young guy who is perfectly polite, though disinterested. He was wearing a gray hoodie over his noggin, and might have indulged in a certain (legal) vape, or a consumable, before starting his shift.

As I was telling him which scratchers I wanted, a girl came into the shop. She was flitting around by the soda fountain, and talking to Clerk. Perhaps she worked there, perhaps she was just a friend. His attention was on their conversation. I didn't really listen closely. I was reminding him of the number on the scratchers that I wanted.

"Is he OUR age? Tell him to get his [rumpus] in here!"

"No. He's old."

I gathered that there was somebody sitting in a car on the lot, not doing anything. I didn't know why this would be a problem. Unless maybe they were worried about a robbery. You never know when you work in a convenience store.

Anyhoo... I got my scratchers and left. I was a bit perturbed to see a black sedan parked in a non-parking spot! It was next to the space I would have parked in, if there hadn't already been a car there. I was grousing to myself as I went behind it, "I don't really think that's a parking space." When I was in front of T-Hoe, the driver of that sedan said,

"Could you help me?"

Of course Val is a sucker for those in need. I turned and went to the side of that sedan. Inside was a 40-something guy of another race, holding up his phone that was tethered to a power cord.

"Oh! I can't help you with anything that has to do with a phone! But if you tell me what you're looking for, I might know."

The phone screen looked like it had a road and destination on it, like the Garmin we use in A-Cad going to Oklahoma.

"Okay. Do you know how I can get to the Eastern Missouri--"

"Oh! Yes! Just get back on this road, and go through all three lights, and in 2 or 3 miles you'll see it. It's HUGE! You can't miss it. It's on the left. You might have trouble getting out of this lot because of the traffic. Sometimes I make a right, then a left at Casey's, to go around the block."

"I'm okay with waiting. I don't want to get lost! I'll just take this road like you said."

"Yeah. I live out that way. I pass it every day. You can't miss it."

That was my good deed for the day. I don't know why the kids inside were so concerned about that guy sitting on the lot. He was just trying to figure out where his phone was sending him.

You'd think I would have been rewarded by The Universe, but NO! I didn't have a single winner from the Liquor Store. The Pony said it was because my good deed came AFTER I bought my tickets.

Then I told The Pony I felt bad, because I immediately jumped to the conclusion that the guy was trying to find the prison.

"Does that make me a racist? What if he was looking for a different business called Eastern Missouri something-or-other? And I sent him straight to the prison!"

"Mom. I deliver the mail. I guarantee there is nothing else in town with that name."

Well. That's a relief.


  1. I wondered if you were assuming too, and was relieved to hear there is no other place with Eastern Missouri in the name.

    1. The minute he mentioned those two words, that's the first place that came to mine. I go past it twice a day. It was only afterwards that I wondered if I had jumped to a conclusion. Relieved to hear from The Pony that I had not.

      At least I wasn't suspicious that he was sitting on the parking lot! I was more annoyed that he might be parking in the not-a-space, like many people do.

  2. I love these adventures of yours! 😊

    1. You never know what card The Universe might deal you on any given day. Some days a weirdo spits chew on your running board, some days a homeless guy offers you a bicycle ride, and some days you are actually able to help somebody.

  3. Poor guy was probably just visiting a relative for the first time, since he was not familiar with the area. I have had to visit family members in jail and I felt like a fish out of water. The staff in those places are not polite at all, much less helpful. You feel bad enough that you are visiting someone under lock and key and seems like they take pleasure in making you feel worse.

    1. I don't know how polite the prison staff is around here, but I do know that they have been forced into mandatory overtime for years now, and are not allowed to take their accumulated leave. So signs point toward some disgruntled staff.
