Monday, March 18, 2024

Convenience Store Capers: So Close, But Yet So Far

I walked into the Gas Station Chicken Store on Saturday, to find NO ONE THERE! No customers, no clerk. I knew it was the day and time that my favorite clerk should be working. Sometimes when business is slow, she is putting ice in the soda fountain, or grabbing a bite of her dinner in the break room. But there was no sign of her this time. I stood at the counter, perusing the selections. I am never in a hurry.

Fave came out of the bathroom shortly. 

"I heard you come in. Well. I didn't know it was YOU! I didn't want to yell out, 'I'm in here!' But if I had known it was you, I probably would have!"

"That's okay. I'm never in a hurry. You don't have to rush for me."

"I think I waited a little too long! I thought I would never stop peeing!"

"You have to take the opportunity when you can get it!"

"Did you hear about Casey's having a $100,000 winner?"


"The gal there told me, and I looked it up online. It's true. The $5 'Full of $500s' ticket."

"Dang it! Now there won't be a good winner around here for a while! I sure won't buy that ticket over there!"

I go in the Backroads Casey's a couple times a week. I DO buy that ticket, if they are out of my crossword or Frogger ticket. Oh, well. I guess somebody else needed that win more than I did.

In fact, I went over to the Backroads Casey's when I left the Gas Station Chicken Store. It's just across the moat, and over the side street from Hick's pharmacy. My favorite clerk there was working. The Older Lady with a blond ponytail.
"Here's my ten dollars to cash in. It's not $100,000, but better than nothing."

"Ha ha! I'm the one who sold that ticket! The girls over at 10Box said they wished I had won it. But I told them I don't buy here, I'm only the seller."

"I hope the winner remembers who sold it!"

"Oh, she did. She came in yesterday and gave me $385! I thought it was a prank! Then she told me what she won. I was shocked."

"That was really nice of her."

"I KNOW! It was the biggest tip I ever got! We had people in here all day, buying lottery. I told them, 'You know, it doesn't work that way. There's not going to be a jackpot here for a while."

So... good news for somebody, and for that clerk. I'm pretty sure I won't be hitting a big winner around Backroads for six months or more. But still, I can play to keep on playing.


  1. The winner gave her $385?? I would have given flowers and a box of chocolates maybe. And I wonder why $385? Why not an even $400? Or even just $300.

    1. I wondered about that amount, too! Maybe it's a percentage of what she will get from her $100,000 after taxes.

  2. Nice that the winner shared her winnings.

    1. Yes! I would share with someone who is nice to me. If they're not nice, that's their loss.
