Thursday, October 19, 2023

It Will Be a Cold Day at Bingo Before Hick Brings Home a "Price"

If you're on the edge of your seat, waiting to hear about Hick's big bingo win on Wednesday night... you can sit back and relax. Hick did not win a thing. As usual. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! I don't know if Hick plays bingo at the Senior Center lunches lately. He hasn't bragged about mentioned any "prices" there for quite a while.

Anyhoo... here was the Grand Price at Wednesday night bingo:

A chest freezer. I'm pretty sure the one we have in our laundry room is just like that. Twenty years older, sure. But the same thing. 

Hick had the Potato Bombs again. And again, he almost forgot to send me a picture. I'm not sure who's acting as his Carol Merrill, but I suspect it's his bingo girlfriend. She's getting awfully familiar with Hick's fork! Perhaps she was fork-feeding him. I don't see his bingo husband in that shot. Some interrogation might be in order...

One thing for sure, that's not Hick's margarita. He said his bingo girlfriend encouraged one of the old ladies there from the Senior Center to try a margarita. "They're half price between 3:30 and 5:00!" Hick said she was still sipping on it at 6:30, and was a bit tipsy, usually only imbibing soda or water. He also said his bingo girlfriend won TWO prices! A gift card, and something else. Back to back.

You'd think she could let her "pet" win something...


  1. Boy, those prices sure sound great. The potato bombs look really good too:) Do you think the place gets their money's worth from the people playing bingo?

    1. Hick said the other price his bingo girlfriend won was a game. According to him, it was called Dirty Candy. I'm sure he has garbled it in some way. Nothing is ever the same when he tells it a second time. Just like now his meal was called Potato BOMBS.

      I think that sports bar gets their money's worth. Hick says the place is always packed. Over 200 people. I'm sure most of them at least have a soda, or adult beverages, and some will also order food like Hick.

  2. That's the same size chest freezer we had long ago and when we moved house hubby gave it away to his sister! I was so mad. But I haven't had a chest freezer since then. I just don't have space for one.

    1. We used ours more when both boys were still at home. It's handy for items that don't fit well in FRIG II's slim freezer side.
