Monday, August 28, 2023

It's Safe to Say The Pony Has a Sweet Tooth

Man does not live by bread alone. And The Pony does not survive on savory treats. A few weeks ago, he sent me a picture. I was too consumed with looking at photos of The Pony's dog bite leg to consider this one. But here it is now...

This was the day after The Pony's dog bite. He went by the store on his way home from work. As he said:

"I went snack shopping. The perils of going to the store while hungry."

I don't begrudge The Pony his purchase of sweet treats. I suppose if I had a dog bite with a spreading bruise, I might want some comfort foods, too.

Let the record show that The Pony only shops about once a month. So this was not all going to be consumed in one sitting. Though I suspect it's probably gone by now.


  1. Oh yeah, young guys can eat a whole lot of these kinds of treats. I never have to worry that I've baked too many sweets when my nephews show up. Ha!

    1. The Pony works it off on his route. And possibly running from loose dogs!

  2. I would LOVE to go snack shopping, but I am being firm with myself. I still need to lose the thirty pounds a doctor told me to lose four years ago.

    1. The Pony will selflessly eat those snacks so you don't have to!

  3. The advantage of being young! He probably walks those calories off with ease.

    1. The Pony lost over 30 pounds when he started this job. Now he's not working 12-hour days, so he's maintaining.
