Sunday, August 13, 2023

Hick Gets Toweled Off and Dolled Up at Bingo

While I was moping around with nothing to do, bemoaning the loss of my internet... Hick's life continued as usual. Including bingo at the Senior Center on Wednesday. Surely you won't believe this, but he WON A PRIZE. It took several tellings for me to get the details. If you think Val is the master of a non-linear story, you should try to make sense of Hick's tales.

This is what he actually won:

Oh, look! Some towels for my kitchen! But that is NOT the picture Hick sent me while having his lunch of pork loin and salad, hoping for leftovers to bring home, but being offered none! Nope. 

THIS is the picture Hick sent me of his win:

A DOLL! A likeness of Si Robertson, from the show Duck Dynasty. If you pull on Si's beard, he talks. Supposely famous sayings of his from the show. I wouldn't know, because I never watched a full episode.

Anyhoo... Hick was telling me about his special "price," and then mentioned that he tied with a lady for it. Didn't make any sense to me. I had to drag the truth out of him, while he was busy telling me I cain't understand nothin'!

"Did you win that doll or not?"

"Yes. I won it. In the end, with the coverall bingo. Me and another lady (another? Is Hick calling himself a lady?) both got it at the same time. She said she'd trade me for my towels."

"Wait. What towels?"

"The towels I won in regular bingo. A pack of towels. That lady wanted them. So she said she'd trade me."

"Did she actually win the doll? Because how else could she trade you?"

"Val. I won the towels before. But that lady would rather have them than the doll. So she said if I'd give her the towels, she'd give me the doll. I don't know why you cain't understand a simple story!"

Well. I'm not sure how that doll was hers to give, if she and Hick tied for the "price." But anyhoo, Hick gave her the towels, and brought home Si Robertson. Left him in SilverRedO. Says he can sell Si for $10 at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). I guess there are fans that would like to yank on Si's beard.


  1. Hi Val, I think you and I would prefer the towels too. Ha! I don't think Hick will have a problem selling Si for more $$ than those towels would have brought him. Good deal on Hick's part.

    1. True. Hick is a businessman, and not in the business of furnishing Val's kitchen. I don't begrudge him a profit.

  2. That's a pretty ugly doll in my eyes. I'm not a fan of microfiber either. So if Hick makes a profit on the doll that's fine with me.

    1. It looks just like the person it's supposed to be. So I suppose the designer had no choice! Hick has a way of making a profit on stuff other people think is junk.

  3. I, too, did not get how it was hers to trade. I like those towels. I have not watched one minute of DD.

    1. I don't know if they were supposed to work it out, or maybe a coin toss would have ensued. Maybe she pulled a fast one and got herself some towels rather than ending up with nothing. My students used to talk about the show.

      On occasion, I clicked on the show while searching for something to watch, to get an idea of what they were talking about. It seemed like a typical staged reality show.
