Thursday, November 12, 2020

Hick Is Under Attack!

Hick won a battle on Tuesday, but the outcome of the war is questionable.

I found out about the skirmish when I plugged in my phone, and saw an email from Hick. He doesn't mess around with emails. So I knew a picture was forthcoming. Yep. There it was.

"Squirrel ate a hole in my shed"

Well. That narrowed it down to about 7 structures. Even the second picture didn't help me recognize the building under invasion.

Turns out it was the Freight Container Garage. Where Hick has stored the entire inventory of the original 18 storage sheds that he bought a couple years ago, just as the Freight Container Garage was completed.

"I would have expected a squirrel to eat through the front, where they can jump over from the tree branches. Not on the back, where they have to climb."

Hick is not one to allow invaders to nibble on his goodies. That's his inventory, by cracky! For his Storage Unit Store. So he summoned The Pony to put a plan into action. The Pony's job was to hold the ladder. Surely you don't think Hick would have trusted The Pony to do the job, while tens of feet above the ground. Seriously. The Pony broke his elbow walking down the hall at school. Twice.

Anyhoo... here's the completed repair.

Hick covered the hole with an old license plate. Because that's what our people do... No idea who that license plate once belonged to. Hick has bought random plates at flea markets and auctions. I'm surprised he hasn't covered the outside of our house with them. Or used them like shingles on the roof. One metal roof is as good as another, right?
If you have a bushy-tailed rodent problem, feel free to call Hick's Squirrel-Proofing Service.


  1. If that squirrel found something he liked, he will chew again.

    Once I had a squirrel gnaw through a sheetrock wall. And, it was in a strange place. Then, I realized the squirrel was chewing near a bowl of nuts. I moved the nuts and had no more chewing.

    How do you know he did not seal the squirrel inside the building?

    1. We have SO MANY squirrels! I'm shocked that one got into that garage, because most of them have an unending party on the back porch, where Hick put in a self-feeder for the dogs a couple years ago. I guess he doesn't see the connection when he complains about the squirrels.

      We used to dump a cup of dry dog food into a metal pan for each dog, at 6:00 a.m. when Hick left for work. They'd run to eat most of it. Finish it later in the day. No squirrel problem. Now the squirrels are feeding themselves, on that unlimited supply that drops down into the bin as it is eaten.

      That garage is about 100 yards away from the squirrel hangout. Hick has no way of knowing if that squirrel is inside. There's nothing in there nearly as appealing as free dog food! Just a truck, and furniture, old clothes and creepy dolls sealed in bins. No food.

  2. I hope he checked the squirrel wasn't still inside before he nailed it. Now all he needs to do is cover the rest of the siding with licence plates and no squirrel will be able to get in. Or out.

    1. Heh, heh! Maybe it got sealed inside after Hick had been working in there, and chewed its way OUT! I'm sure he has enough license plates (or can get them) to cover the rest of the building.
