Monday, March 24, 2025

Val Will Not Be Mean-Mugged into Sumission

Just when you think all your Gas Station Chicken Store problems are solved, gliding into the empty lone handicap space at the side of the building... you enter, and discover they are not.

Friday I entered the store and saw only two customers ahead of me. They were together, man and woman. I heard ice clickety-clacking into a styrofoam cup at the soda fountain, but could not see down that aisle as to the identity of the customer. I stood behind the couple, waiting to cash in my scratchers.

The Man was like a kid in a candy store. Peering down into the glass ticket case. "Um. Uh. Give me a number 15." [Oh, no! I wanted one of those!] "And I guess a 13." [No! Another of mine!] 

He picked a couple more that didn't interest me. They put them and his gas and two sodas on his debit card. That takes forever with their old-fashioned scan thingy they slide out on a wire. Finally they were done. 

As I stepped up to hand Fave (my favorite cashier) my winners, I saw a grouchy gray-haired lady to my left. She had been out of sight down the soda fountain aisle. She was holding a 44 oz soda, glaring at me. Normally, I would be polite, and say, "Oh, I didn't see you there. Were you here before I came in?" But this time I didn't. I KNEW she was still getting her soda when I was in line. I HEARD the ice. And after the ice comes the soda. Then the lid and straw. I was well-ensconced in my place in line while she was still 'shopping' for her soda!

I stepped up and did my lottery business. A more polite countenance, and I might have let her go ahead of me. I do that, you know, if it looks like somebody only needs a short transaction. It most often comes back to bite me in my ample rumpus, with people using their card for gas, or asking for chewing tobacco off the shelf, or a carton of obscure cigarettes.

Anyhoo... I'm not giving up my rightful place in line for a GROUCH!

Maybe I should have. Maybe she would have bought tickets ahead of me. I only won $5 that day. Less than I spent. I figure the Man ahead of me got my winners.


  1. I thought she had resting b!tch face, but I see she was glaring at you so ...good on you for making her wait, lol!

    1. I thought that too, at first, but the look in her eyes had nothing to do with "resting!" She was actively giving me the stinkeye.

      If there had been any question that she might have been in line before me, I would have motioned her ahead. My hearing is better than my knees! She was still getting her soda while I was waiting behind that scratcher-shopper. I didn't feel like standing longer to do a good deed for someone who felt entitled.

  2. If you had gone inside after that man had already left, you wouldn't have known he bought scratchers at all. I agree grumpy woman has to wait her turn, she WAS still getting her drink when you stepped up.

    1. I would rather not know! It makes me re-think buying the same tickets the person in front of me just bought. Like if I'd gotten there a few minutes earlier, they'd have been meant for me. Mine were losers this time. I should have changed my plan!

      Maybe Grumpy didn't know I came in, being preoccupied with filling her 44 oz cup. The door makes a noise, which I think she should have heard. Another lady came in just before the lottery guy left. Maybe Grumpy thought that was me, if she couldn't see around the end of the aisle to notice that lady also waiting. Still, no need for a grumpy face.

  3. If you were in line while she was getting ice for her Coke, you were in the right. Giving me a stink eye wins no favors from me.

    1. With even a neutral expression, I might have let her go ahead. I've done it before if it looks like a quick transaction. That accusing look rubbed me the wrong way.
