Monday, March 10, 2025

The Freebie King Rakes in More Jewels

Because he doesn't have enough projects to keep himself busy, Hick recently accepted a job at the Senior Center. Not so much the center itself, but with the housing agency where the lunchroom is located. The other guy retired, and Hick applied. The job involves collecting rent from the elderlies who live there, and taking care of any maintenance issues. It has no required hours to be onsite.

Hick talked to the guy who was retiring. Found out the procedures of where to turn in the rent money, and the contractors used to do maintenance work if Hick cannot solve the problems. He spent a little time after lunch one day, going through the office. 

Hick found a check in the drawer from two years ago! He asked a lady who works at the Senior Center what he should do about it. She said that since it was two years old, it would be unfair to deposit that check. Besides, that elderly lady no longer lived in the apartments. Nope she didn't get kicked out for not paying rent!!! Anyhoo... Hick destroyed the check as the worker suggested.

In cleaning up the office, Hick found five pouches that seemed to have been meant as gifts to give out to the residents or seniors who lunch there. He asked that same worker what he should do with them. She said he might as well keep them. Not a big deal. They had no plans for giving them out now.

The five pouches were identical, though the contents were not. Maybe the other guy had taken out some things that he could use. They all had a pair of white crew socks. Hick was thrilled with the socks! 

"I think they might be actual diabetic socks. They are really comfortable!"

Some pouches were missing the toothbrush, or the toothpaste. Doesn't matter to Hick. I told him he could probably sell those pouches at his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5) if he had any women customers. They look like makeup pouches. It's not that they're expensive. If Hick sells them for 50 cents, he would be happy. It's just a draw to get women into his SUS2.5.

Anyhoo... Hick has at least gotten five free pairs of new socks from this endeavor. 

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