Oh, Even Steven, you silly pranking jokester! Can you not even let The Pony have some peace at home? The Pony works hard, and only wants to relax once the job part of the day is done. Many evenings, this includes falling asleep on the couch after supper, then waking up in the wee hours of the morning when nature calls. But no, Even (sometimes known as EVIL) Steven! You have to keep The Pony on his toes with your constant shenanigans.
On one of our morning phone calls this week, The Pony revealed the latest calamity.
"I fell asleep on the couch again. It's a good thing I turned on the light this time when I went to my hall bathroom. There was a SLUG on the toilet seat!"
"YUCK! Was it gray, or one of those spotted ones? We used to get them all the time on the sidewalk at my $17,000 house. And sometimes in the basement. I'd use salt on the sidewalk slugs, but the basement ones I had to pick up with a paper towel and throw outside."
"I think this was just a plain gray one. I got a piece of toilet paper and shoved it in the toilet and flushed. Good thing I didn't sit down on it in the dark!"
"In shock, I might have stumbled trying to get up, and gouged my eye out on that door latch!"
I suppose one slug in the three years he's lived there is not too bad. I know slugs are just like snails without shells, but they repulse me! Except those cartoon slugs in the movie "Flushed Away," which The Pony reminded me about. We must have watched it a hundred times. Those cartoon slugs sang "Don't Worry, Be Happy." Much cuter than the real thing, who I never heard sing a single time, heh, heh.
Not sure what Even Steven will come up with next...
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