Val is mad as Not-Heaven for being the only driver in Outer Backroads with common courtesy, and she will probably take it some more.
On my way out of our compound on Monday, I encountered three cars in a row. No doubt they were the bus-waiting people, reviled by Hick as being the rudest people ever, virtually blocking the gravel road in the morning when Hick is trying to get to town. They park on both sides and talk to each other, leaving only a thin strip of road for traffic to ease through.
Let the record show that Val uses common sense in her travels. When there's snow on the road, I move over to the shoulder to let sedans pass, because T-Hoe has 4WD. Also, if I'm going downhill, I move over so the vehicles coming uphill have the right-of-way. However... under normal weather conditions, I expect other drivers to shoulder some responsibility when we pass. On our gravel road, which is wide enough for a car-and-a-half, both drivers can get two tires off on the grassy "shoulder" to facilitate traffic.
On Monday afternoon, I indeed put two of T-Hoes tires into the grass. ALL THREE of those oncoming vehicles, a white sedan, a black SUV, and a white SUV, stayed on the main roadway. We were in front of our 10 acres next to the BARn field. It's nearly level. Room on each side to get off a little bit. WHY is Val the only driver to show common courtesy? For her trouble, she received nary a "thank-you" lift of a finger.
This makes me cussin' mad! If I'm showing courtesy, doggone it, I demand to be acknowledged! It doesn't take a great effort. Just lift a gosh-darn finger off the steering wheel. Is that so hard?
I almost felt redeemed on my way home. Back on the gravel road. In front of the neighbor's house who hosts the horse jumping. I was coming up the slight hill, and encountered a red 4-wheeler with a person riding a child behind them. Of course I moved over with two of T-Hoe's wheels on the grass. There's room for a 4-wheeler and car to pass, but I didn't want to take any chances. At least the driver gave me a COURTESY WAVE! I waved back. But here's the thing. How hard is it to pull a 4-wheeler over and wait for a car to go by? Not very. Because 4-wheelers don't go that fast, and the driver knows they're not cars, and thus not entitled to the road rights of a car.
The world is going to Not-Heaven, and I don't have my proposed handbasket factory up and running yet.
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