Saturday, March 15, 2025

Hick Needs to Cool His Wheels

You may recall that Hick didn't have enough to keep himself busy, and screwed a giant wagon wheel to the corner of our front porch.

I am not a fan of this look. Hick can't get enough wheels! He paid $60 for this one. Old Buddy found Hick a deal on MORE wheels. Five for $50. They also came with some kind of fountain/statue that Hick says is over at the BARn, because he couldn't turn down this deal. Old Buddy somehow fit all this into his CAR. Thanks so much, Old Buddy.

Monday, Hick further "hoardered" our porch with these other wheels.

Here are three of the new ones. They're not even the same size as the original. They're not all the same color. I really don't like these wheels. They make the porch look even more junky.

There's another wheel down at the far corner. Let the record show that I also dislike this white picket fence that Hick put in years ago. It means you can't just walk out into the yard from the front sidewalk. Even the dogs are inconvenienced by it. Nevermind that it does not go with the style of the cedar house.

I suppose the only thing working in my favor is that very few people pass in front of our hillbilly mansion, and they already know how Hick likes his junk.


  1. I am not fond of the wheel look either. A different fence would work. But, as you say, not many people drive by. Maybe you could point out how much money he could make from selling them.

    1. Heh, heh! That might be the best solution, suggesting the profits to be had!

  2. Replies
    1. We continue to provide the valuable service of letting others feel superior. Perhaps an award will be forthcoming!

  3. I thought the one wheel at the corner of the porch was okay, but now there are just too many, it does look a bit "junky". I like the picket fence too, but think it is too close to the house and should be a different colour. I wonder if Hick was influenced by women's dreams of "a little house with a white picket fence" often heard in old romance movies.

    1. It's way too much of a not-so-good thing. The color of the fence is my secondary objection, the first being the way it blocks access to the front yard. I am 100% sure Hick was not influenced by romance movies!

  4. Those wheels are worth more if they are not repainted. I wondered if the fence was too close to the house. With your bad knee, can you actually get up and down the porch if the fence were gone?

    1. As IF Hick would ever sell his treasures, heh, heh. The fence is not too close to the house. It just blocks access to the yard. Like if you're sitting on the side porch, or coming in from the garage, and see Jack chewing on Genius's future Christmas gift, an expensive monogrammed bison leather wallet with RFID blocker from Sharper Image, dropped off by FedEx in a mere envelope... You have to go all the way around either end of the fence to get to the yard.

      I can go up the steps, or else I couldn't get into the house! I have to hold the rails, and can't carry anything more than my purse or a couple of grocery bags draped over my arm
