Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hick Is Apparently a Handyman on Retainer

Hick has taken a day off from working on Bargain House, to do some jobs for the woman who bought the QuickFlip House from us. He mentioned her name, but I was puzzled.

"You know. The Old Lady. One of the tiles in the hall came up, so I'm replacing that for her. For free. She doesn't like the back door, so I'm going to put on a new one. For pay. In fact, she still owes me about $200 for the last work I did for her. I just haven't stopped by to pick it up yet."

"That's hard to believe!"

"Well, I been busy with the other house. I hope I don't give Old Buddy a heart attack by working him eight hours in one day! He'll probably have something wrong with him."

"At least he's getting paid for it."

"Yeah, out of MY money."

Can't begrudge Hick having a side business. It keeps him off the streets.

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