Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Lottery Tales: A Literal Lottery Tale From the Mouth of a Guy on a Beeper Cart at Country Mart

I was getting Frogger tickets out of the right-side lottery machine at Country Mart on Monday, when a guy on a beeper cart pulled up to the left-side machine.

"Are you buying all the winners out of it?"

"Trying to! Not having a lot of luck lately, but I cashed in two $1000 winners on Wednesday."

"Good for you!"

"I just hate it that we have to drive to the city to do that."

"I know! Sometimes I give tickets to my friends. I tell them, 'Anything over $50, we'll split.' I gave a ticket to one of my lady friends, and she won $1000. So we drove to the city, and each claimed half."

"Yeah, and then they don't take the taxes out. It's like winning $500 apiece on separate tickets."

"Uh huh. We got our checks, and she said, 'This couldn't have come at a better time. I really needed it.' That made me feel bad for her, and I ended up giving her my money, too."

"That was a nice thing to do."

"Well, I figured she needed it more than I did."

As he was leaving, he encountered a guy at the door, and they both stopped, telling the other to go first. Beeper Cart Guy told him, "I'm sitting down. Go ahead. It won't hurt me to wait a second."

Such a different experience than my last encounter there with a beeper cart guy!


  1. Beeper Guy is a sweetheart. I hope Even Steven comes through for him again:)

    1. Yes! He said he's never won more than $100, except for that ticket he gave his lady-friend.

  2. Not all of us on carts are mean and rude. He does sound like a nice guy. At Publix the carts are so slow, I yield to anyone. At Piggly Wiggly, I am appalled at how fast the carts go and am always apologizing for almost running people down.
    That was very kind and generous of him to give her the whole $1000.

    1. I have no issues with beeper cart people, except for that one smart-rumpus who cut in front of me in line, and then pretended that he was joking when I left to go to a different line. Nobody has run me down. The regular cart people are worse for that, jamming a cart into my rumpus while I wait in line.

      This guy was indeed a nice person, giving away a winning ticket, and not taking his prior agreed-upon cut.

  3. Some of us are retired and have nowhere to go and all the time in the world to get there.

    1. Yes. That is what I am continually telling cashiers, when they apologize for my wait. I am never in a hurry. They can take their time. I only get surly when people cut in front of me. Not for the lost time, but for their lack of adherence to the unwritten rules of society.

  4. Beeper cart man certainly deserves a good win for being such a nice person.

    1. I agree. I think he will have his day. Karma has a way of evening out the score.
