Thursday, April 4, 2024


Mark your calendar! Hick has WON a "price" at Tuesday night bar bingo!!! He was happy as a puppy with two-- Well, that's not a phrase befitting for a lady such as Val. But Hick was HAPPY! He first notifed me at 7:20 p.m., with a cryptic text:

"I want it, bingo, I'll show you when I get home. It's adore stop."

Heh, heh! Whose curiosity wouldn't be piqued by such a message? Though I rarely wish for Hick to return early from bar bingo, I was not as disappointed when he arrived at 7:40.

It's a DOORSTOP. About 18 inches from stem to stern. Or from the top of the turners to the bottom of the body. Silky material, cushy, like maybe stuffed with old plastic grocery bags, not beans. The bottom is weighted. 

It's a plump little guitar.

Quite 3-dimensional. Right now it's sitting on the kitchen chair where Hick parks his rumpus to eat holiday meals. It could double as a back pillow. 

Anyhoo... I knew you would be excited to learn that Hick has broken his always-losing streak at bar bingo. But he was disappointed to read on his phone Wednesday night that somebody had won a big prize at his OLD bar bingo: $1100 for the grand prize, I think. Not as good as the $8000 his buddy won at the current Tuesday night location, which is why they switched. 

Maybe Hick will go back to the Wednesday night game. You know, following the jackpot.


  1. I don't mean to be mean, but that is ridiculous. Two rolls of tp would be a better price. Send him back to the other bar bingo.

    1. I think maybe Hick DID win a foam beer holder at the other bar bingo, when he had a chance for hockey tickets. So maybe I misspoke about his first win. However, Hick still plays bingo at the Senior Center, so he definitely has a chance to win toilet paper there!

  2. Hey, maybe Hick is turning the corner and is in line for a BIG win:)

    1. IF ONLY! Even though it would be HIS money, I wish for him to have a big win.

  3. How very, um, charming? Adore stop, huh? Do you adore it? Reminds me of a "surprise" HeWho bought for me one year at the campground. It was a crocheted Christmas item of decor. Words cannot describe just how tacky it was and he paid hard earned money for it!!

    1. I think maybe Hick uses that voice-to-text thing on his phone. Then again, it could just be a Hickism. Your Christmas gift might have been tacky, but I bet it didn't take three months to be usable! (cough, cough, STOVE, cough)

  4. That's a cute doorstop. I have concrete ones in assorted animal shapes.

    1. I've never known anybody to actually USE a doorstop, other than the wooden wedge we teachers needed to hold our classroom doors open.
