Let's remember that the bathroom was originally just a room. Four walls. Actually three walls, I think, because Hick closed in a fourth one, to make a hallway between the bathroom and the kitchen.
After painting the bathroom a light green, and staining the wood floor a darker color, HOS turned his attention to the tub. Not the shower, as you can plainly see, using it as a catchall for junk. The toilet is one that Hick used to have on the second floor of his BARn. The lid has a damaged corner, because some squirrels got in the BARn, and knocked something off a shelf that hit the toilet lid and chipped chunk out of it. Still usable, though, for a $5000 house, and FREE.
Hick thought he might have another toilet, because his Storage Unit buddy called him Friday night, saying he had a toilet he'd taken out of his rental house. And it was green! Hick said not to throw it away, that he'd look at it. Unfortunately, the green was a shade too different from the walls. Besides, the buddy had not brought the lid! He said it was in his rental house somewhere, and that he'd find it eventually. Hick told him not to bother, because of the color difference. He put the green toilet in SilverRedO, but he says he's going to take it to the landfill.

Anyhoo... HOS got that tub cleaned up real nice, and added the faucet. It's awaiting the plumbing before being closed in. Hick actually had to add a panel against the wall, because he had to move the tub out so there would be room for the plumbing for the faucet.
You can see the sink that HOS installed, and a smaller medicine cabinet. Here's a better view, with the lights.
Also, you can see Hick's ill-fated light switch behind the door. This is an older style sink, which was in better shape than a stained, more modern one that Hick also had. I really like the light fixture. Not sure where it came from. The floor will still need baseboard trim when they're finished with everything else.
Opposite the sink is the alcove for HOS's stackable washer and dryer. And the other switch Hick installed that turns on the ceiling light/exhaust fan.
Two days later, HOS had cleaned up the shower. They'll be using a rod and shower curtain on it, unless Hick finds doors for it at the hardware resale store or elsewhere. Can't always come up with luxuries for a $5000 house with a $2500 budget.
I'm not sure what the next Hick House update will be, but I'll try to have something by the end of the week.
I think that bathroom looks great, and put a tea towel over the broken toilet taken cover know one will be the wiser.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea for the toilet tank lid! I'm sure Hick has some tea towels over in his Storage Unit stash.
DeleteNice size bathroom! A separate shower and tub is especially nice with young children. I bet Hick has an old chest of drawers or dresser that would fit under the sink, that is all the rage on the shows that flip houses. Or …. some stick on Velcro and a curtain cut to size will hide the undersink. The sink is not old, it is retro!!
ReplyDeleteI will suggest the chest of drawers idea to Hick. He had a lot of furniture. He says it doesn't sell well at his Storage Unit Store. He sold a bunch of tables and stuff to a lady for her resale shop. He probably has furniture left.
DeleteIt's coming along nicely. Just to be a busy body and you are showing all which opens you up to busy bodies, that tub spigot seems more for a sink and might take forever to fill a tub...this from a clown who took two hours and $10 to replace a washer and stop a leak. Oh, and I once plunged a toilet and cleaned out a drain pipe elbow all by myself!
ReplyDeleteI also thought that about the tub spigot. I guess HOS will have to not be in a hurry if he wants to take a bath!
DeleteI'm sure that's the most appropriate tub spigot The FREE Store of Hick and HOS had in its inventory. It's not like they run to Lowe's and buy one.
HOS has the plumbing hardware for the shower. It took him a while to find where he'd stashed it, so Hick looked up some prices. He said it would cost around $250, and when he told HOS, it was found soon after. They're trying to conserve their renovation money for last-minute stuff, and the whole master bedroom still has to be done.
If you want to practice on your toilet skills, we have a green one that's available. All you have to do is come pick it up!
I love that light fitting! Probably a bit too much light for such a small sink and cabinet, but guaranteed whoever is shaving by it won't miss a single whisker. Is that tub shorter and wider than standard? Or is that what you get in the US? Ours here are mostly narrow and shallow, far removed from the giant family sized tubs that used to be available when I was little. Like little swimming pools they were.
ReplyDeleteThe bathroom is looking really nice.
Hick was given the light by his Storage Unit Store buddy, for FREE! The tub is wider than standard, but I think the height is normal. You can't be too picky with that you pick up along the road for FREE.