Sunday, September 4, 2016

Scofflaws, Scofflaws Everywhere. Some Sights that Made Me Blink.

First cat out of the bag this morning, on the way to town for my 44 oz Diet Coke (12:15 is still morning, right?) I saw THIS:

What is wrong with people? That's a 44 oz soda cup! And NOT from the gas station chicken store, but from a competitor. Oh, the wasted elixir left at the side of the road! Make that OFF the side of the road. At the side of our creek, down by EmBee.

Even worse than abandoning an undrunken soda down by the creek is abandoning it RIGHT UNDER THE FIRST NO TRESPASSING SIGN!

Sorry to say I did not pick it up, but continued to town, on my mission, with my hands unsullied. I hadn't gone far when I stopped for a picture down by the often-flooded low water bridge. Right before The Pony left for OU, the county road department was out here with a big digger. We thought they might be replacing the bridge, but that only lasted until the return trip. They were simply scooping up the silt to use for nefarious road purposes.

A couple days later, they put in these signs, in order to stop people from parking there, half on the road, half off. Hick says he never saw any signs, so I wanted some proof that the road crew took the parking lot, and put in a paradise.

I proceeded across the bridge over now-low waters, and took pictures of two of the three signs. This one had a double. They were like bookends of the once-busy, unofficial parking lot of nefarious types up to shenanigans.

This last one is the most disturbing. People just ain't right in the head. Or they have oppositional-defiance disorder.

Yes. That's a bag of trash dumped behind the sign. Not a body. A white trash bag. Funny thing, there was not any trash dumped there that I noticed before the sign. Except for the occasional couch/chair combo. Funny peculiar. Not funny ha-ha. I'm really not laughing.

I wonder how long before OUR creek becomes a hangout (more than it already is for the weirdos), now that this area had been quasi shut down. I say quasi, because many people will blatantly disregard such signs, what with no surveillance camera or patrolman.

Sometimes, I'm tempted to get a box of snakes (only a matter of time until someone leaves one by the mailboxes) and put up a sign over it: Do Not Poke Snakes With Stick.


  1. I think the problem is the sign needs a comma after "Dumping."

    1. You are SO correct! Good thing they didn't put up a sign about helping their Uncle Jack...

  2. The sign says "No dumping" but it doesn't say people can't take a dump there.

    Those loopholes need to be closed up.

    1. Now you have opened a whole new can of scofflaws, Madam.

      Are you one of those McDonald's coffee people who need explicit instructions so as not to maim yourself with a beverage?

  3. That might (but only might) get their attention!!

    1. I thought the orange streamers were a nice touch. They flap in the breeze. Still, Hick never saw them. I hope he didn't stop there to take a dump.

  4. Could be that 44-ounce-drink-cup-from-a-competitor was a sad memento from one of Pony's girlfriends, bereft at his relocation to Okie-la-homa.

    1. Probably not. His latest prom date was just not that into him.

  5. I say watch where you place your comma. If you take your big fat magic marker down the road and place it after the word VIOLATORS, you are going to find a whole new bag of tricks, some rebellious yay-hoo dumped off.

  6. That first sign might be interpreted as NO PEEING.

    1. Well, it would still be ignored by a guy with a horse face, big teeth, and flaring nostrils, worried about developing a case of uromysitisis poisoning.

  7. I suppose I need a roll of that orange tape so I can place streamers on my signs ...... Of course, we are assuming they can actually read.
