Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Who's That Thinkin' Scary Thoughts

Do you ever get a song lyric stuck in your head? Uh huh. I thought so. I keep hearing part of Janet Jackson's Nasty Boys. And not for the reason you might imagine. Nope. It has nothing to do with Hick. Wait! That's not what you were assuming? Heh, heh. Sure you weren't.

Anyhoo...The Pony was texting me Tuesday afternoon, concerning our upcoming visit. We were chatting about the forecast, and all at once, a picture popped up:

SHEESH! I could have used a little warning. The Pony apparently managed to scare himself.

"I do not recall putting this guy here and he just scared the crap out of me!"

"He also just frightened my own crap!"

"YOU got him for me!"

"I know. But not to set on a shelf in plain sight. To squeeze the bejeebers out of! Like a stress ball."

Not sure what kind of interior decorating The Pony has been doing with his college apartment. Don't judge him for the SECRETHITLER box under Squeezy Bob. That's a secret identity card game. Not as politically incorrect as Cards Against Humanity, which is more suited to ruthless hipster college kids. Genius used to play it all the time.

Anyhoo...when I look at that picture, my mind starts singing...

Who's that peepin' from the shelf? 
Who's that oozin' spooky vibes?


  1. Fortunately I have no idea what that Janet Jackson song sounds like so no ear worm for me.

    1. So sorry I didn't link it! Let the record show that I owe you one earworm.

  2. Well, I have to say that Pony has some strange things on his shelf. My gr-daughters have "Exploding Kittens", good stuff.

  3. Oh, please DON'T post those ear worms. The Squeezy Bob was more than enough to give me bad dreams tonight.

    1. Squeezy Bob will be in your computer, watching over you as you sleep...

  4. He's a cute little squeezy thing. I don't know that Janet Jackson song, she didn't get much airplay here in Australia. I can't even remember the one song that did make it out here.

    1. I'm giving you a link to the song, because I think joeh secretly WANTS to have that earwig. Besides, I owe him one...

      It really gets going at :50 seconds.

    2. Oh no you don't!! I'm outta here.

    3. C'mon! You KNOW you checked out that link!

  5. Every musical I ever choreographed,every show Hubs ever played for, we always had an ear worm and then you would pray for the next show so you could switch worms.

    1. Out of the frying pan, into the fire, into the coals, into the ashes...

  6. That squeezy thing would startle me, too. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. The Pony thinks maybe his Bestie did it. She was over there for movie night on Monday.
