Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ample-Rumpus-ing Along, You're Welcome No Thong, CENT by CENT

Thank your lucky stars that you don't frequent the convenience stores of Backroads. Val has been out and about this week, scooping up filler for her Future Pennyillionaire Fortune. It's not a pretty sight to behold, but it has to be done. Unless you want to start Val a come-gift-her account for a space-age grabber thingy that can pick up pennies, then the public is going to be exposed to Val's ample rumpus. Out of consideration for those left behind her in line, Val has lived her life without getting a tramp stamp, and sticking to granny panties instead of a thong.

SUNDAY, November 3, was off to a good start with a surprise find at Orb K. I wasn't expecting to find a penny so early in the week, and I'd left my phone in T-Hoe while I dashed in. That'll learn me.

It was a 1978 face-down Lincoln, laying out in front of the multitude of energy supplements. The Close-Waiter behind me might have even escaped my ample rumpus view as I leaned sideways to nab old Abe. She got a shot of hip-fat instead, so it still doesn't pay to be a Close-Waiter. BACK OFF, people! I'm harvesting my fortune here! Oh, and the scratcher it's posed on in T-Hoe was a loser.

TUESDAY, November 5, Hick and I had that meeting at the Financial Store. HO HUM! Just remembering that makes me exhausted. I clambered out of SilverRedO, sliding past that pipe-type running board so as not to bend my SilverRedO disliking knees, I said to Hick over my shoulder: "I'll just be a minute. I'm not even going to bother with my phone. Watch. I'll find a penny without it."

You know what happened, right? I found TWO pennies. Unfortutely, I could only pick up one. Not because they're too heavy, or because I only had one bend-over left in my ample rumpus. Nope. It was because the second penny was at the register on my left, surrounded by a plainclotheswoman and two Casey's employees, who were chatting up a storm with the duty-shunning employee behind that register. The whole line was behind ME. They're welcome for the ample rumpus sighting.

Anyhoo...I posed my lone penny on SilverRedO's dash for the pic whence I returned.

It was a 2007 heads-up penny. That scratcher behind it was a loser. C'mon. I can't find pennies for my Future Pennyillionaire Fortune AND win at scratchers! Case in point, today (Friday, November 8), I found ZERO pennies, but had a $50 scratcher winner on the Missouri Wines ticket that I rarely buy except to send Genius. Sorry, Genius. Yours was mailed before I bought mine.

Not a great week, but not a bad week for the penny harvest. Another two cents tallied.

2019 Running Total
Penny     # 111, 112.
Dime      still at 19.
Nickel    still at 8.
Quarter   still at 4.

Penny  131
Dime  17
Nickel  6
Quarter  1

2017 TOTALS (Started in March, 2017)
Penny  78
Dime   6
Nickel  0
Quarter  0


  1. No thong ventured, two cents gained.

    I know, amateur...I bow to your title talent.

    1. You show great promise, Grasshopper. That's a good one! I was fixated on song lyrics this week.

  2. Pennies or great fortune? I'd go for the pennies. It is much mor fun to find them.

    1. Ii do enjoy my quest. The best ones are random, like when I open the car door after Hick parks us at a casino in Oklahoma, and there it is, right where I'm about to step out. Or when we check into our room while visiting The Pony, and a penny is looking up at me from the carpet as I walk through the door.

  3. For me a $50 scratcher trumps a penny. That's 500 pennies in one go!

    1. Yes, but to me, they're separate funds. So they don't compete for my affection.

  4. I can no longer squat. Hurts too bad, so I am a bender when I weed. That may well be the very first view a camper gets upon arrival to my park

    1. At least you provide the real live thing, not one of those plywood cut-outs.

  5. Okay I think a tramp stamp and a thong are just way more than I can handle this morning. Even on your rumpus.
