Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sometimes You Feel Like a Wergle Flomp. Sometimes You Don't.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a mite Wergle-Flompish.

I realize that time is running out. But I plan to throw caution to the wind and throw together a bad poem for entry in the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. Don't cost nothin'. I can copy a poem as good as the next person, by cracky! And you may not believe this, but on rare occasions in the past, a few people have told me that I am humorous! Of course, they could have just been referring to my haircut or driver's license photo or wardrobe. I don't always pick up on social cues like that.

My topic has not yet grabbed me by the throat. I can't decide if I need an ode to my 44 oz. Diet Cokes and the people who enable my habit, or an endorsement for my delectable gas station chicken, or a rant about the occasional circumstances that sometimes rub me the wrong way. I might just make it a very special shout-out to my love for cliches.

So what if the deadline is April 1st? I have all weekend!


  1. Val--Yes, you're trying to wrench my "Princess of Procrastination" crown out of my grip.

    Let it go, and get busy.

  2. Sioux,
    WAIT! There's a CROWN for that? I will hold on until a snapping turtle chomps onto your leg and waits for thunder before he lets you go. THEN I will hold on for 23 hours more. You, Madam, are the one who should be loosening your grasp on the crown. I am well-versed in the ways of winning a public service employee stand-off. I'm not certain that you have the iron will to succeed. Look! Behind you! An approaching deadline...

  3. No, I'm the "Princess of Procrastination!"

  4. Lynn,
    Well, well, well. It looks like somebody forgot to buy title insurance. Obviously, there's not enough crown to go around. Nice people might suggest a sharing of sorts. A sisterhood of the traveling procrastination crown. Others might lobby for finders keepers. If either of you step out of the house wearing that crown, it had better be held in place with anchor bolts.
