Monday, October 7, 2024

You Can Never Be Sure of a Creecher's Intentions

It's been a while since we've had an issue with CREECHERS. The Creek Creatures who show up to park on our private road beside the creek, and use it as a recreational site. As I've mentioned before, nobody owns a creek. People have the legal right to wade and swim and float on them. They do NOT have the legal right to park on private property to gain access, or beach their boat on a float trip to have a picnic.

Anyhoo... on Saturday, I saw a red JEEP parked about 50 feet into our private gravel road. There was a man and four boys walking towards the creek. The boys looked around 6th or 7th grade age. Maybe 11-12 years old. They were shirtless. Just shorts and shoes. The temperature was 83 degrees. I thought maybe they planned on swimming.

I was in town for an hour. When I returned, making a left turn onto our gravel road from the county blacktop road, those four boys jumped out of the way. They were walking on the gravel, about to get onto the blacktop. A couple were waving. Not at me. But back at the red JEEP, where the guy had the motor running, and was about to make a U-turn to come back toward the blacktop road.

What in the Not-Heaven? What business did those boys have on the blacktop road? There are no houses nearby. Were they planning to take a jog? Perhaps training for the upcoming basketball season? This blacktop road is no place for joggers. Nor tweenage boys. It's hilly and curvy. A car can come up on you in an instant. And what was the man going to do? Follow them at 5 mph?

You never can be sure what a Creecher's going to do.

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