Friday, October 11, 2024

Strapping On the Feedbag With Hick

Hick has been busy with a couple projects, and thus has not been eating lunch at the Senior Center every day. He means to, but time gets away from him. I read the menu he brings home, so he'll know what he's missing. He DID make an effort to eat there Wednesday. Even treated Old Buddy to lunch, so they could keep in working. The meal was:

Pork Loin
Mashed Potatoes 
Green Beans
Vanilla Ice Box Cake OR Fruit

Hick wasn't sure about Thursday. It was a new meal that I've not seen on the menu before:

Poppy Seed Chicken
Glazed Carrots
Sliced Potatoes w/peas
Peach Pie OR Fruit

It's not that Hick dislikes any of those foods. He was busy working on the QuickFlip house for the old lady who bought it. Hick does good work for cheap, and she doesn't know anybody else around here. So she hires him for her projects. That's how Hick charges. For the project, not by the hour. He doesn't want anybody to think they're getting cheated if he takes a break, or has to go buy parts.

Anyhoo... Hick and Old Buddy were fixing the roof of the garage. It's a tin roof, and sheets of the tin were loose. Plus it needed paint. So Old Buddy got on top of the roof, and put in long screws. Then he painted, as well as Hick, who GOT ON A LADDER so soon after his recent fall! They painted the roof black, using brushes and a roller. Hick said Old Buddy actually did about 70 percent of the work on top of the roof.

Anyhoo... they did not have time to go to the Senior Center for lunch. Hick was asking Old Buddy if he wanted to go to McDonalds to get lunch, when the Grandson came out and heard them.

"I have some baloney in there."

"Huh. Would you mind making us a couple of baloney sandwiches?"

"No problem!"

Hick said he and Old Buddy each got a bologna and cheese sandwich, and a glass of iced tea. And that Bertha (not her real name) the old lady came out, and said, "I had ham and roast beef in there." Hick assured her that the bologna sandwiches were good. Hick likes bologna.

As usual with Hick's stories, the details are murky. He started out by telling me that "Bertha gave us baloney sandwiches for lunch." Yet then it turned into the Grandson offering them. So I'm not sure who really made the sandwiches.

Still... Hick got a meal, and didn't have to pay.


  1. It was good they gave him lunch. I love bologna sandwiches, too, unfortunately. Peas in the mashed potatoes?

    1. Yes, lunch was a nice treat that they didn't expect, even if it was a bologna sandwich and tea.

      I type the meal the way it is written on the menu Hick brings home. I don't know what some of the foods are, since I don't go there to eat them. It actually says "sliced" potatoes with peas. Not that it's a dish I've ever heard of, or eaten. Just what they were supposedly serving.

  2. As long as he got sandwiches the maker doesn't matter. If I 'd recently had a fall there's no way I'd get up on a roof to paint it. Not even if my fall had been ten years ago as mine was. A short stepladder is as high as I'll go. I'm glad they got the roof fixed though.

    1. Hick's tale-telling is often bereft of pertinent details. I wondered why, if the old lady made them, she would then apologize for having ham and roast beef inside. She could have just made the sandwiches with those ingredients, rather than serving bologna and an apology.

      I think Hick only went partway up the ladder, and painted parts of the roof that he could reach from there. I know he didn't get all the way on top of the roof.
