Thursday, October 17, 2024

Paradise Takes a Tumble

Hick used to go to the Senior Center every day. Early. Stay late. Bring home armloads of cereal, paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils, Christmas gewgaws, and other sundry prizes from beating the elderlies at bingo. Now he barely makes it there once a week.

Sure, Hick has been busy with his newest Storage Unit Store. But the Senior Center is no longer the paradise he once professed. The feud with one of his former friends there doesn't help. It seems like it's not just Hick's impression that the Senior Center is on a downhill slide. 

Hick went there for lunch on Tuesday. Not because he was excited by the menu, but because he had time, and it's a place to eat lunch. The menu was:

Chicken Sandwich
Potato Salad
Bumbleberry Pie OR Fruit

I asked him if they served what was on the menu.

"Yeah. It wasn't very good. My buddy sat down and took a bite of his chicken sandwich, but he couldn't bite through it. He had to chomp it several times. They over-cooked the chicken. The potato salad was good, but yours is better. I didn't eat the beats. The pie was pretty good. It was like blueberry, but not. More like a mixed berry. It had regular crust.

My other buddy delivers meals, and he got bit by a dog. It's the third time that dog has bit one of the delivery people. He called and told the gal who runs the Senior Center, and she said they probably won't be able to deliver there anymore. After the THIRD TIME! They should have stopped after the first time, I think. He said the lady has a little fence, but the dog jumped up on it and bit him in the armpit. He had blood all over the chest of his shirt. He didn't go to the doctor or nothin'."

Well. That is indeed unfortunate. For the dog bite, as well as the tough chicken! AND I don't think it's fair to list BUN on that menu, when you would assume it's included in the CHICKEN SANDWICH.

Anyhoo... Hick will still be eating at the Senior Center when he finds time. He's just not a fanatic about it like he used to be.

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