Monday, October 28, 2024

Chivalry is Dead, and Common Decency is Taking Its Last Gasp

Wednesday, Hick and I had our annual appointment with our financial advisor. It was scheduled for 2:00, but was delayed because our FA had gone home for lunch to pick up her new puppy to bring back to the office, and got stuck on the highway due to emergency response to a motorcycle accident.

Anyhoo... we went inside and sat down. Hick was on the far wall facing the receptionist, and I was near her, by the hall leading to the meeting room. There was a third chair halfway between us, facing the front window as I was. We chatted with the receptionist, who's about 60. Saw some fire trucks and rescue vehicles go down Main Street with sirens and lights. Then Receptionist got the call from FA, saying she was on her way, but had to wait until the accident was cleared.

Around 2:30, a mid-20s couple came in. The man held the two doors open for his wife. They said they had an appointment with FA, and Receptionist told them we were ahead of them. Wife sat down in the third chair. Husband stood across from her, with his back to the window.

"Oh, we need another chair," said Receptionist. She went down the short, wide hall to get one like those upholstered chairs we sat in. "These sure don't have wheels on the bottom!" In a couple minutes, she huffed around the corner, pushing that upholstered chair on its wooden legs.

Here's where I thought Husband would come over and take it from her. But NO! He stood by the window, watching, as Receptionist pushed that chair all the way over to him, and turned it around so he could face us. He might have said thanks. I don't recall. I was in shock that a strapping young man such as himself did not deign to assist an elderly lady struggling to bring a chair to him!!! If I had good knees, even I would have gotten up to help when I saw her round the corner.

I told The Pony about it, and The Pony was also shocked. But for a different reason. "You mean Dad just sat there and didn't help her?"

"That's right. I didn't think about it. Probably because he expected that young guy to help, or because he was the farthest away."

When all of us elderlies die off, it will be the demise of the younger generations. They will expire while waiting for life to be served to them on a silver platter. And no one willing to be the server.


  1. "When all of us elderlies die off, it will be the demise of the younger generations. They will expire while waiting for life to be served to them on a silver platter. And no one willing to be the server."
    Ain't that the truth! It's not even chivalry but common decency and caring for your fellow person.......

    1. It's like the thought never occurs to them to help somebody else. They just wait for people to do things for THEM. As if it's expected, because they are special.
