Friday, October 18, 2024

Monitoring the Double Hovel

Hick drove by the Double Hovel flip house(s) last week. It's on a route between the Senior Center and Pony's house, and home. He noticed a guy in the yard of the Beauty Shop, picking up walnuts that had fallen from the tree in the front yard.

"That guy had one of those push things that pick up walnuts. You roll it along, and it scoops them up into a bag that's attached. The guy we bought the property from was in our yard talking to the walnut guy. I didn't stop when I seen he was there. When I came back by, the walnut guy was gone, and there was still a lot of walnuts in the yard. I guess Seller told him off and made him leave."

That's the great thing about living in small towns. Seller happens to be the dad of one of Genius's former elementary school teachers. He's a good guy. Gave us a good price on the Double Hovel, and told Hick the things wrong with it that needed to be fixed. He used to live in the house next door, but one of his kids lives there now, and he lives a few houses down. Kudos to him for seeing that walnut-stealer in the yard, and reading him the riot act.

Hick went to the Double Hovel a couple days ago to turn on the heat. He reported that there were plenty of walnuts in the yard of the Beauty Shop. It's not that we have plans for these walnuts. Hick might barter them for something if one of his buddies is in the walnut business. But still, that doesn't mean that random THIEVES can go into the yard and pick them up. It's not like this guy just drove by and wanted a couple handfuls of walnuts. He was definitely harvesting them, most likely to sell. We don't need folks traipsing across the property, perhaps breaking an ankle on loose walnuts, trying to sue us for damages!

Anyhoo... when Hick was turning on the heat, he saw a business card on the counter from a realtor over in Bill-Paying Town. So that's a sign that other realtors are also getting requests from potential buyers to look at the property. I hope they appreciate walnuts!


  1. Well, if they don't then nuts to them!

  2. Since you three still own the double hovel until it sells, could Hick gather those walnuts so they won't get wasted? He could sell them at SUS2.

    1. Or he could let Old Buddy harvest them to sell at his own SUS, in exchange for work that Hick won't have to pay him for. I'll make that suggestion. At least a total scheming stranger wouldn't get them!
