Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Week Has Rendered Val CENTSless!

No coins this week. Not for lack of trying. I might as well have been carrying a magnifying glass and wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat, as thorough as I was with the looking. Maybe I should have been puffing on a Calabash pipe.

Or maybe I should have left my evidence-capturing phone camera in the car.

That usually does it.

Updating last week's stats:

2019 Running Total
Penny   still at 68.
Dime   still at 8.
Nickel  still at 7.
Quarter  still at 1.

Penny  131
Dime  17
Nickel  6
Quarter  1

2017 TOTALS (Started in March, 2017)
Penny  78
Dime   6
Nickel  0
Quarter  0


  1. Replies
    1. Not even a WOODEN nickel! Or one of those Dairy Queen wooden coins for a free ice cream after their version of a Happy Meal.

  2. I wonder if they are saving themselves up to hit you all at once? DOES money ever save itself?

    1. Maybe. Or maybe I'm just getting Even-Stevened after finding all those pennies in the road down by the mailboxes.

      Just in case, I'll make a Note to Self not to use the phrase, "This money isn't going to save itself."
