Sunday, March 26, 2017

We're Not in Capistrano Any More, and Those Aren't Swallows

Last week, I mentioned how I was concerned about not seeing any ladybugs, fake or real, in person or on TV or a billboard, on our recent trip to Oklahoma to visit The Pony. To us, ladybugs remind us of my mom, since she had a drop-ceiling full of them in her family room, and we teased her about refusing to exterminate them, choosing instead to vacuum them and turn them loose outside. Shortly after Mom died two years ago, at the beginning of February, we had a string of coincidences with ladybugs in our house and car.

I ALWAYS see a ladybug, or multiple ladybugs, when we go visit The Pony. But not this time. I got to hear my Mom-song on the radio, though, right after I dialed The Pony, and was waiting for him to pick up. That was the next best thing. I still haven't seen any ladybugs. I guess I'm not the one who needs them.

On Tuesday, The Pony saw a ladybug in a study lounge at the Student Union. "I didn't notice it. Another kid pointed it out to me. It was on the back of a couch. He told me to look, because he was afraid of it. I told him they're nothing to be afraid of. We were going to catch it and let it go outside, but before we could, the ladybug flew over to the wall, and crawled under it."

I guess Mom is moving in at the OU Student Union, to keep her eye on The Pony as the semester winds down. Actually, she must be pretty busy, trying to be in multiple places this week.

Hick went to the BARn Friday to put away some Goodwill items he bought. He was headed up to the loft area, where he has his Coca Cola collection, and his bar full of memoraBEERia, when he saw THIS on the landing, where the steps turn back on themselves. It's a little gathering of ladybugs. Perhaps (for security purposes) I have not advertised the fact that Hick was leaving Saturday on a spy mission work trip to Sweden.

Looks like Mom was telling Hick "Bon voyage!" Or wishing him a safe return.

Or maybe...she was drinking a toast to Hick's trip, saying, "Good riddance!"


  1. Aren't you glad you mom didn't have snakes in her drop ceiling.

    1. Yikes! I most certainly am. Especially since I told her one time that I was pretty sure one was going to drop from the ceiling and fall into my ear canal and crawl through to my brain!

      I think Mom told me that I didn't have to be so dramatic. (Said the woman who shouted to all within earshot in Arby's one bill-paying Friday that she had a HOLE in her jeans...)

  2. Val--How could you! This was not because of security. You didn't mention Hick's trip because you knew I would insist that my PITA join your PITA.

    Because you didn't fulfill your promise, I will just have to send my PITA to your house for the week... since I am sure you are missing a hindering, aggravating presence.

    1. Whoopsie! I completely forgot about that promise. I am smacking myself on the forehead with the heel of my hand. Nothing to do with you, though. Tough luck! I just had a hankerin' for a V8.

      Are you sending your PITA to me in a box? A box without holes? A box that the dead mouse smelling post office might lose?

  3. Would you believe that now when I see a lady bug I think of your mom?

    1. That is SO hard to believe, what with only a couple of subtle hints and subliminal messages from me to the Blogosphere. You must be really sensitive to suggestion!

      When I hear about something Portuguese, I think of YOUR mom!

    2. I think of her, too!!

  4. Your Mom must be all over my place!! Maybe she just wants to see that emu egg?

    1. Heh, heh! I doubt she has any interest in that egg. But she always did consider my friends to be HER friends. One of my old college roommates used to send MOM a car every Christmas, but not ME!

    2. Whoopsie! She sent Mom a CARD every Christmas! But wouldn't it totally rock if she had sent a car?

  5. Your mom gets around, and she is looking out for all of you. I know what you mean about the mom song. I was exiting the Listen to Your Mother performance and when I got in my car, I had a strong sense of my grandma. I wished she and my mom could have been there to hear me read. I turned on my car and the CD player came on. My CD was old time rock and roll. Imagine my shock when my late Grandma's favorite hymn came on instead! Absolutely no explanation. Well YOU understand.

    1. I understand EXACTLY! Just like that snowfall that you saw with your friend, and the flower...I imagine the same kind of things happen for other people, but they don't recognize the signs.
