Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It Rivals One of Hick's Towering Bowls of Soup

It's no secret that Val has been making wise choices for the past year, and is now a shadow of her former self. Granted, she's a fairly thick shadow, but still...progress is evident.

One of these wise choices concerns portion control. I don't deny myself scrumptious fare, I merely choose less. It's also no secret that Val finds slaw to be particularly delectable. Perhaps it's an inherited trait. In my opinion, slaw is the perfect complement to gas station chicken. I know I can't go hog wild on this combo. So...rather than slopping out serving spoons full of slaw onto a plate, in the manner of Hick, I instead use a ramekin to hold my slaw.

The thing is, the longer you've been making these wise choices, the likelier you are to become lax in your measurements. I confess that recently, my servings of slaw have looked like this:

No. I'm not proud. I am a bit disappointed with myself for dishing up a serving of slaw that looks like a bowl of ice cream scooped out at Baskin Robbins.

Still. Slaw is made of vegetables, right? How bad for you can it be?

On second thought...maybe I should walk an extra driveway this evening.


  1. Looks pretty darned tasty to me!

  2. I've never had it, just don't like the way it looks. Is that un-American? I do like fruitcake...and scrapple.

    1. Scrapple looks nasty! Maybe you should give it a try with your eyes closed!

    2. And yet you'll drink New Jersey's dirty-water cocktails without knowing the difference! Fruitcake is tasty, but I wouldn't touch scrapple with a ten-foot tongue. You probably put grape jelly on it, too.

  3. Portion control is everything, except for convincing yourself not to eat out of habit instead of hunger. Congratulations on your weight loss. I've also been slimming down, ninety pounds so far.

    1. Congrats to you, too! I don't mean to sound like that SNL Kristen Wiig character, Penelope...but I'm down 101.

  4. Val--Don't beat yourself up over a generous helping of slaw, or you might console yourself with all sorts of unwise choices.

    1. I suppose it's the least of many potential evils.

  5. It is vegetables! It's not like you made the best apple pie in the history of apple pies, then proceeded to eat HALF the pie! Yes, I did.

  6. Are you SURE that's a ramekin? I know there's no perspective in the photo but that looks suspiciously like a small mixing bowl to me ...

    1. It COULD be a see-through washtub, with blue handles on the side. But it still counts as ONE SERVING to me!

  7. I don't think slaw is fattening at all!!

    1. Yes. I will consider you an authority on that. I'm sure you just left out the part about how it burns calories while digesting, so I was actually losing weight by eating more!
