Monday, July 24, 2023

Two Teeth Down, The Pony Straps on the Old Feedbag

Not trying to beat a toothless Pony, but there's more to tell about his wisdom tooth extraction on Friday. Even though he ate his desired meal of macaroni and cheese later that day, The Pony was still hungry. Not sure if he had anything else, since he was babying those tooth-holes. Oh, don't worry about The Pony wasting away from hunger! He made up for it on Saturday.

"Still eating carefully. Chicken sauce, garlic bread, and tiny shell pasta. Will have leftovers."

There's the chicken. Good that The Pony has finally seemed to pick up what I was layin' down about having some protein for his meals. Probably from some frozen chicken tenders that he likes. And of course no Pony dish is complete without BUTTER.

This must be the sauce with the chicken and pasta in it. Do you think The Pony could have fit one more noodle in there?

There's the garlic bread ready for the oven. Looks like some dessert in the back. Perhaps some cookies made from a tube of dough. Please forgive the view of The Pony's hoof. Looks like he must have been wearing flip-flops on his trips about town, since otherwise his whole foot would be fish-belly white. It's an occupational hazard for mail carriers.

If you are squeamish, scroll with care. A picture of The Pony's removed molars will be coming up after out text conversation. Not the bloody view from the dentist's tray, but a pic of them sitting on The Pony's palm.

"I hope the crust on the bread doesn't hurt your holes."

"It's getting dipped in sauce, don't worry."

Okay. Here come the teeth...

You're welcome for me NOT enlarging that picture. I thought those teeth looked huge. Hick said he thought they looked small. That Hick. He's such a contrarian. I wonder how much of these teeth were poking out of the gums. It looks like he had husky fangs at the back of his mouth! According to The Pony:

"Apparently the upper two are a lot gentler to recover from."

Good to know. The Pony has not had much pain at all.

No pain in the pocketbook, either! After paying what Hick and I thought was too much upon his original appointment and treatment plan, The Pony has paid no more.

"They said I still have money left over from what I paid in the beginning. They said they could write me a check, or I could leave it as a credit. I said to give me the credit."

Not the choice I would have made, but I'm not a very trusting person. Then again, the money has been paid, The Pony is used to it being gone, and when he goes back for a cleaning or a checkup, he won't have to pay. I don't remember the exact amount, but it was more than $100, and less than $200. 

I know The Pony is relieved to have this episode over. Can't say that he's chomping at the bit to get back to work on Tuesday, but at least it should be fairly painless.


  1. I agree with you. The Pony's teeth look pretty large. That makes it even better that he didn't have very much pain with their removal. It looks like The Pony is no stranger to knowing how to cook.

    1. The Pony can cook steak (now without burning his thumb off), and pasta, and prepared foods. He loves watching the food channels, so has an idea of how to combine ingredients. Of the two, Genius is the more adventurous chef, and seeks out fancy-schmancy recipes online.

      Those teeth seemed big to me! I guess they are like icebergs, with 90 percent below the surface.

  2. They are large, but that's common with wisdom teeth and I can easily see which part was above the gum, there's a slight colour difference, about 45% of tooth and 55% roots. When my teeth get pulled there's about 98% disintegrating old filling. Anyway, The Pony needs a bigger pot for the saucy stuff, it needs space to boil and bubble without spilling over. And doesn't the garlic butter get spread instead of just being a lump in the middle? I always spread mine from crust to crust.

    1. Maybe the removal of those giant chompers will help The Pony to have fewer headaches. Yes, a bigger pot was definitely needed for that much sauce. I also spread out the butter. Maybe that picture was before The Pony spread it, or maybe he was in the midst of a feeding frenzy and took a shortcut.

  3. He is pretty self sufficient, your Pony! We are at my son's house eating Peruvian food that is so good. My new daughter-in-law to be is an excellent cook and her son is a chef. We are here for thier wedding on Saturday. I couldn't post about it since the ex-daughter-in-law is still stalking my blog. It is a very small civil service and she is not welcome. If she knew, she would plop herself right in the middle of things! I am struggling to learn Spanish and my new inlaws are learning English. The 8 year old grandchild is the translator! Today is my 70th birthday and if I am forced to eat another thing it will not be pretty! I have a dozen roses, two potted plants and 3 cakes!

    1. At least I don't worry that The Pony is going to starve!

      I hope the wedding goes without a hitch. Good thing you have the little translator. I don't know anything about Peruvian food. It must be good if you are stuffed. Happy Birthday to you! You are really raking in the gifts.
