Sunday, July 23, 2023

Nothingburger For the Soul

I mentioned how The Pony was having his wisdom teeth removed on Friday morning, and how he was possibly even more worried about it than I was. He had worried himself into a stress headache overnight, but didn't want to take anything for it, in case that might affect what they were going to use to knock him out for The Pulling.

Hick arrived at Pony House at 7:30 to pick him up for the drive over to Bill-Paying Town. Hick said that even though The Pony's appointment was for 8:00, the office staff did not unlock the doors until 8:10. So that gave The Pony even more time to stew over his impending tooth-yanking. Then once inside, they called back two other people ahead of The Pony.


Instead of having all four wisdom teeth removed, only the top two were pulled on Friday. I guess maybe that's not really good news, since the dentist said the bottom two are impacted, too deep in the bone, and must be taken out by an oral surgeon. Still, this was good news for The Pony on this day. And the lower teeth have not been bothering him.

Also, The Pony had NO anesthesia. Just the standard numbing shot. Not even nitrous oxide. Which meant The Pony was awake for the whole procedure, which was something he'd been afraid might happen. He told Hick that the worst part was hearing the POP as each tooth came out.

The whole thing was over by 9:00. The Pony got no prescription for painkillers. Lucky he had stocked up on ibuprofen, and that I had talked him out of Excedrin, which I'm pretty sure you shouldn't take for tooth extractions, it being ASPIRIN, which could prolong the bleeding. The Pony had no stitches, and no gauze. He said his mouth wasn't really bleeding at all, but they had given him two sets of gauze, just in case.

"I have to keep reminding myself not to tongue my holes!"

Heh, heh. The Pony can certainly turn a phrase. He went to Walmart with Hick, and picked out the special macaroni and cheese that he wanted, which he ate later in the day with no ill effects. He took an ibuprofen around noon when his numbing stuff wore off. Another around 8:00 p.m. Said he was a little sore when he woke up on Saturday, so he took another ibuprofen. It lasted all day without needing another one.

Anyhoo... the impending doom of The Pulling turned out to be a big nothingburger. I am relieved for The Pony. He's still glad he took two days off, adjacent to his regular two days off. He's not supposed to do anything strenuous for 48 hours. I think walking a 10-mile route, or climbing in and out of a Metris van delivering packages, is considered strenuous. So it's a good thing The Pony is able to loll around pampering his holes.


  1. Poor guy. No anesthesia? Men. Tough. Ibuprofen will do'er.

    1. Just the gum shots. It's not like he was in pain, but being awake for the procedure bothered him.

  2. I had all 4 of mine removed by an oral surgeon. There was a picture of a house on the wall, and they told me to look at the picture and count backwards from 100. I remember saying 99 and then I was waking up. Mouth full of gauze and given a small packet of pain pills, if needed. I was very swollen - looked like I had a severe case of the mumps. We went to what was a new zoo, the next day, to check out all the different animals that were going to be there. I was bending over, looking into a glass case to see something, and there was a young kid under me, that I hadn't really noticed. He came up and connected the top of his head, with the bottom of my chin/jaw. OMG - that was when I needed the pain pills. Ranee (MN)

    1. So brave to go out the day after! Unfortunate that the kid head-butted you.

      I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled by a dentist in Cabool, MO. It was nothing especially traumatic. I might have had nitrous, not sure. I was awake, and listening to a cassette with headphones. That was cutting-edge back in the day! Still remember the tape: The Best of Alabama.

      Worst thing that happened was a reaction to the antibiotic he gave me as a precaution. That's how I found out I'm allergic to penicillin. A trip to the ER 30 miles away, with a rash on my palms and in my mouth, and blotching together everywhere else. A strong shot of benadryl knocked me out before we got five miles away. Felt like my head was a giant balloon. Good thing a teacher friend drove me there!

  3. So good to hear that The Pony didn't have a painful experience with the pulling of his wisdom teeth.

    1. I don't know who's happier, me or The Pony!

  4. I'm glad to hear The Pony doesn't have pain. I wasn't knocked out either when I had six removed and felt every one of them coming out. I had the numbing needles and needed extra for one stubborn molar that didn't want to come out. I go back in two weeks for the denture refit now that the six months gum shrinkage is up.

    1. Good to know that you're near the end of your ordeal! Two teeth was enough to worry The Pony. Can't imagine how he would react to six.
