Friday, October 2, 2015

Genius Spares No Expense To Avoid a Visit With Hick

The best-laid schemes of Hick and The Pony often go awry.

A month or so ago, The Pony announced that he needed to take the SAT. Schools in the midwest don't use the SAT. They are ACT institutions. But The Pony is applying to several east coast colleges, and needs an SAT score on record. After perusing the dates and the testing sites, The Pony and Hick decided that testing in Genius's college town was the most feasible. It takes the same time to get there as driving to the city and finding a test site. Besides, Hick reasoned, they could meet up with Genius and have supper, and maybe lunch the next day. Of course Hick wanted to stay overnight there. Which he would not have done with a test site in the city, but he's the chauffeur, and that's one thing I'm not complaining about. Mark your calendar.

Since Hick is incapable of making a reservation on his own (which I WILL complain about), he decided to wait and find a room when they arrived. Fine with me. Then Genius called and said he would be out of town tonight. The night they are staying, for the test tomorrow morning at 7:45. So there will be no dinner with Genius, who will at dinnertime be winging his way to California on his first-ever plane ride, to do some solar car business. He's kind of a little bigwig at his college, having secured a $10,000 donation already from his California connection for the solar car team. He and two cronies making this trip to give some kind of presentation. At the end of the month, he goes to Las Vegas. So, so sad that he will not be 21 until December...

The Pony doesn't really care where he takes the SAT. Or if he has dinner with his brother. C'mon. It's not like Genius is homeless. The Pony can't be bothered to care about him. The subject tests are tomorrow. Next month, The Pony will take the regular SAT. At the same place. We'll see what excuse Genius comes up with then to avoid dinner.

Hick is fine with going back and staying overnight next month. Something tells me he has Goodwill and flea market plans. I'm surprised he didn't take the trailer.


  1. Replies
    1. OR...he can wait until Mother's Day, and get space in the third mail truck for free!

  2. A night with your house to yourself? Sweeeet! I am sure you're looking forward to it.

    1. I assure you, it was real, and it was spectacular. And through the night, there was no gust of icy breather air spraying germs over me like a sprinkler over a well-maintained lawn.

  3. Genius is an earth mover and shaker. Vegas? Couldn't you take some sick leave to stand in his cheering section, umm, casino? Congrats to your three wise men.

    1. I have the time, but I prefer to do the crime locally.

      Thanks from the three wise men, who are not smart enough to think of thanking you themselves.

  4. Hick is going to need another building to house all the stuff he'll haul back.

    1. Oh, he has another building started. He made sure to email me the picture a few days ago. I think it's his bottle depository. Maybe I can work up a story on that soon.
