Monday, June 9, 2014

A Candid Juno From Any Other Angle is Still So Sweet, Sweet

My sweet, sweet Juno posed for a picture this morning as I was on my way to town. Please don't judge her. She's not looking her best. Her silky fur is not so silky, because in warm weather, she likes to lay in a dirt hollow she dug under where Hick parks his Gator. Of course, I could use her dull coat to frame her partner in crime, Ann, for eating eggs throughout the day. Wait! Did I say frame? What I meant to say was submit proof to Hick of Ann's clandestine activities. No egg-shiny coat for Miss Juno.

Oh, and Juno does not like to pose. It took five pictures to get one that wasn't a blur of fur. She must have grown tired of not being petted, so she sat down for the sure head stroke. Yes, this is not a flattering photo. Juno is looking a Showing off her canines, ears back and not inquisitively perked. Her silky tail full of dust, not sweeping back and forth in joy at our reunion.

I must also point out that the bites taken out of Juno's doghouse roof are no doubt the work of Ann, the black german shepherd. Juno cannot be peckish enough to snack on asphalt shingles. After all, there are all those eggs handfuls of cat kibble that are dispensed as treats, and the best leftovers tossed out the kitchen door, and the giant pan of dog food every morning, and occasional dog biscuits from the auction. Juno is no goat. She takes care of her abode, even sweeping out the cedar chips onto the welcome mat by the kitchen door.

You can still see her human-like eyes, though. At least one of them. I really must have her sit for a proper picture one of these days.

Maybe I can bring her into the house while Hick is at work, and have her lay down on his side of the bed. And serve her some eggs for breakfast!


  1. You must be seeing more than I am. I see a very pretty dog with a shiny black coat and an engaging personality.

  2. I agree with Stephen if it wasn't your sweet, sweet Juno I would say she has a beautiful silky egg enhanced coat, but of course not sweet, sweet Juno.

  3. I see you are leaning towards the luxury of having a wet nose rouse you in the morning. Juno is a sweet soul. She would no doubt love to be served breakfast in bed!

  4. I'd say Juno deserves some Belgian made-to-order waffles, and I imagine she'd be wonderful to snuggle up with during an afternoon nap.

    Try it. I'm sure Hick won't notice the dog hair on his side of the bed...

  5. Whip up those eggs and serve her some ham. She looks sweet.

  6. An innocent sweet face if I every saw one.

    1. Juno looks a lot like one of the best dogs I ever knew - no small feat since she had a family of five children to care for. In my book that earns Juno a trip to Bob Evans for the omelet special about once a month.

  7. As you may know, I'm a human owned by cats. But that sweet face of your Juno is a heart melter.

    1. CATalyst,
      On my other blog, the super-secret one, I had a picture of two of my cats laying on the porch rail, napping. The tan tabby was using the orange tabby as a pillow.

  8. Stephen,
    How kind of you! Flattery will get you everywhere.

    Yes. Looks can be deceiving. Sweet, sweet Juno's coat is naturally shiny. Like Frieda, Charlie Brown's little friend, had naturally curly hair.

    Juno would love to be served any type of food, anytime, any place.

    Hick would NOT notice the dog hair in his bed. You're right on that one. Nor would he notice a pea under 100 mattresses, his talon-like toenail wedged into my shin flesh, or a sheet that pulls up two feet over his head.

    Juno will need more cardio if I prepare eggs, ham, waffles, and the rest of a full breakfast to serve her in bed, then take her to Bob Evans for an omlet. Let's hope she is not accused of pulling all the tail feathers out of Hick's turkey again.

    Let's hope Juno never has a mug shot, or a Missouri driver's license photo. They could make her look like Nick Nolte or Phil Spector.

    Juno won't be having five children, since she has had her very special operation. But she still deserves Bob Evans.
