Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Pony Mutilates His Sausage


When The Pony left after our cookout on Monday, I sent home four of the apple brown sugar bratwursts that Hick had grilled, along with a whole pack of buns, deviled eggs, cheesecake slices, and a loaf of bread. On Tuesday night, he sent me a text:

"Warmed the sausages!"

"You CUT them???"

"Yeah! I cut them in half to do the bowling alley way. I was warming them in the pan and didn't think they'd warm with just moving around and flipping. Too fat."

"I microwave them for 30 seconds, then put them in the oven at 300 for five minutes to get the outside snappy."

Let the record show that when The Pony was a young 'un, he and Genius were in a bowling league at the old bowling alley. They served smoked sausages that they split in half and cooked on the grill with a weight on top of them. So they had a nice char on both sides. That was the boys' favorite lunch. Unfortunately The Pony always added KETCHUP to his!

Anyhoo... I can understand his attempt. But what a travesty to treat these juicy bratwurst to such a sad end! I can even see the apple chunks inside. I'm sure they still tasted fine, just without the snap and squirt of grease when bitten.

I certainly hope no ketchup was involved...