Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hick's Labor Day Grillfest

With the Labor Day holiday, The Pony had three days off in a row. That rarely happens. He said he wouldn't mind coming out for a grilled steak, since he had missed the 4th of July because he was hot and exhausted from working. Hick said he didn't mind what kind of steaks I got. I took the apple/brown sugar bratwursts out of the freezer. I'm not a big steak fan. Also, The Pony would have some leftovers to take home.

Of course he didn't ask for them, but I made deviled eggs. I know The Pony likes them, but didn't want to put me to any trouble. Our menu was: Porterhouse steaks, bratwursts, salad, baked potatoes (a Pony request), deviled eggs, baked beans, and Sister Schubert's Rolls (found in the freezer, left from Easter, I think). 

Hick picked up The Pony on his way home from his SUS2 around 2:00. He was surprised he didn't have much business, because sometimes people get out and about on a holiday. He started grilling around 3:20, and we ate at 4:00.

The Pony's plate. He's definitely not going to waste away! I DID tell him to bring his appetite. He had a bratwurst and Porterhouse, baked potato (a Yukon Gold variety, because he likes them better than my baking favorite of a russet). A deviled egg, his own pan of Sister Schubert, and a salad with red onion specially requested. His salad had romaine lettuce, a boiled egg, mozzarella cheese, red onion, and Peppercorn Ranch dressing. You can see extra red onion on the plate in the back. He took a bite out of it like an apple after he peeled it! Maybe it had something to do with his rum and Coke! Also, there's a mini bottle of Sprite. You'll be relieved to learn that he did NOT use that ketchup on the steak nor the bratwurst.

Hick's plate. Don't you like how he insouciantly hangs that Porterhouse off the side of the plate? Hick is a carnivore. He declined a salad, so it wouldn't fill him up. He went back for a bratwurst when done with his steak. He cut his potato into fourths, and added butter. Had a good helping of the baked beans, which he loves, and three deviled eggs. A couple rolls, too. And a Wild Turkey and Diet Coke, that he started while he was grilling.

My plate. Would you believe that I was the last one finished, even after Hick's added bratwurst and slice of cheesecake? I'm a slow eater. I fully intended on getting a second bratwurst, but I was too full for that or dessert. My salad is out of sight to the right. It was romaine, boiled egg, cheddar cheese, a home-grown tomato, and Ken's Blue Cheese dressing. I have not yet sliced open my baked potato. I like my baked beans in a separate container, since I don't like chasing them around the plate. My deviled egg was one of the "lesser" deviled eggs. My olives lost their pimiento in the jar. So I took one for the team, and left the pretty ones for Hick and The Pony. I've got my metal water bottle, and a Shasta Diet Cola for hydration. I ended up with two Sister Schuberts, out of the pan designated for me and Hick.

Everyone enjoyed the meal. Hick and The Pony said that part of their steak was a bit tough, but the rest was good. I bought them at Save A Lot, and this is the first time we've been less than satisfied with their meat offerings.

The Pony took home four bratwursts, a pack of buns, eight deviled eggs, several slices of cheesecake, the rest of his Sister Schuberts, and the bottle of rum.

I am still feeling full on the day after.


  1. Gosh Val, what can I say? That Labor Day meal was the best holiday meal that I've seen in a long time. I would have had a plate like The Pony's plate of food only minus the bratwurst because that steak was huge and I'm not a big fan of bratwurst... I guess that was Hick's plate of food I would have taken. Ha! I've never had a deviled egg with olives and I love olives. What a wonderful meal!

    1. The Pony's salad was quite pretty with the red onion added. I was disappointed for them, because I've never bought any meat that wasn't great at Save A Lot. It's my go-to for meats. Hick cooked those steaks just right. Pink inside, juicy. But both of them had a gristly section near the top beside the bone. The dogs ain't complainin'! You should give the olive deviled eggs a try! My brother-in-law the ex-mayor picks them off...

  2. It all looks really yummy, there's probably nothing there that I wouldn't eat myself. Maybe the dressings, I prefer a garlic aioli.
    I do dislike food hanging off the edge of plates though.

    1. Looks like Hick's steak needed its own plate!

  3. The meal looks great, and I am not a steak eater. I do love deviled eggs without olives. He surely likes taking leftovers.

    1. We are finishing the deviled eggs and beans tonight. Sausages were gone last night, since The Pony took some home. Hick is grilling sausage patties tonight, to eat on hamburger buns. We might have a salad, or just the sliced tomatoes two people gave him from their garden.
