Friday, March 20, 2015

Oh Won't Yooooou...Show Me the Way

Genius is in the midst of a road trip. No, he's not with those Delta House boys, picking up Fawn Liebowitz (or her roommate as a stand-in after that unfortunate kiln accident) and driving to a roadhouse where they will  have their dates danced with. Nope. He's on his way to Ann Arbor for a solar car meeting. He's a big fish in the solar car pond of his college.

Apparently, this trip was nearly a 14-hour drive. Genius called me last night to say they had stopped, and were about four hours away from their destination. This morning he sent me a text to say that there was snow in Ohio.


Since when was Ohio on the way to Michigan? I brought up the subject at the faculty lunch table. Just to find out, you know, if Genius was lost. He was the official driver for this trip. A kind soul took out his cell phone and showed me that yes, Ann Arbor is just across the border from Dayton. Really!

I sent Genius a text. "I was really worried that you took a wrong turn. Then an old history teacher showed me on his phone that you DO go through Ohio to get to Michigan. Huh. I haven't been so shocked since I leaned (last year) that England is an ISLAND!"

Several hours later Genius sent another text. I don't know that because I am on my phone all the live-long work day, but because I can turn it on at lunch and after school and see who has tried to reach me. So Genius said, "That's okay. I thought Iowa and Indiana were reversed. Until this trip."

Heh, heh. I guess Genius spent all that time worried that his Garmin was leading him astray, what with heading east instead of north from his college. And I suppose he did not want to question its authority, since he has a sweet internship deal with Garmin this summer. In Kansas.

I hope he can find his way there.

This geography thing seems to be hereditary. If only scientists could isolate the locus of that DNA sequence, and start working on a cure! In the meantime, all us smart people will be unable to locate each other to propagate the species, and people like Hick will get together and populate the world.

Handbasket Factory: Opening Soon


  1. I'm not sure, what is a hand basket, and why do I need one?

    1. A handbasket is something for going to Hell in!!

    2. Well, well, appears that our Mr. H plans on going the other direction!

  2. Your Animal House reference reminds me that our son went to the U of O where much of that movie was filmed. I always think of poor Fawn when visiting the so-called "Faber" campus.

  3. The future: BarNs dotted across the landscape and brilliant wanderers gallivanting in all directions.

  4. I suspect your last line is already coming true.

  5. And yeah, I know...You're friends with Frampton. I just forgot to mention it.

  6. You think it's weird to go through Ohio to get to Michigan, but did you know Detroit is north of Canada? Yeah, Baby I love your way.

  7. Stephen,
    Do you also visualize that big cake with EAT ME written on the side? Because I do.

    I think you have just described the Apocalypse. Or the Apopadopalyspe, as Hick pronounces it.

    YIKES! The Apocalypse is here!

    Just keeping you on your toes, Madam.

    Huh! What's THAT all aboot, eh? I did not know that! And remember, that comes from the valedictorian who only last year found out that England is an island.
