Wednesday, January 28, 2015

As Ex-Mayor of Valedictorian City…

"As ex-mayor of Valedictorian City, in the county of this Backroads land
I welcome you most regally
But we’ve already verified it legally, you see
You see?
That you are
Morally, ethically,
Spiritually, physically,
Positively, absolutely,
Undeniably and reliably DIRTY!"

Yeah. What a fine how-do-you-do that was. The Pony was sprawled across my mom’s bed at her rehab center, she in her recliner, I in the visitor chair…when the ex-mayor himself strolled in. Or, perhaps, ROLLED in would be more accurate.

My sister the ex-mayor’s wife and he dropped by to visit Mom while we were there yesterday. Sis whirled into the room in her usual way, taking charge, interrogating Mom on what she had been up to that day. The ex-mayor stepped in, grabbed the wheelchair just inside the door, sat down, and rolled over to the end of the bed.

Sis announced, “We pulled into the parking lot, and the Ex-Mayor said, ‘Your sister’s car sure is dirty!’ I told him, ‘No, that’s not hers. She only comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays.’ But it WAS your car.”

“Yes. I know it’s dirty. We live a mile up a gravel road. The car is black. It’s impossible to keep clean this time of year. The road is frozen when we leave in the morning, and mush when we go home. That mud flings all over the place. I usually have it on my pants legs from climbing down from the running board. Even if we washed it, by the time we got home it would look just like that again.”

“Well, you could run it through an automatic car wash.” Thus spoke The Ex-Mayor, Esquire.

Huh. To not embarrass him if someone sees him on the same nursing home parking lot as my pigpen T-Hoe, I presume.

What’s the point of washing a car when it will be dirty again by the time you park it in the garage?


  1. So it isn't really nearly dirty, but really quite sincerely dirty?

  2. Why not pay those flying monkeys to wash it?

  3. Is the ex-mayor physically a midget?

    Or just intellectually? 'Cause I imagine him in colorful shorts, holding a gigantic lollipop...

  4. Why not tell the ex-mayor and his wife to wash it if they want it clean so bad.

  5. joeh,
    You are correct, sir. So dirty that a wicked witch might stop to sweep it with her mode of transportation.

    PAY the flying monkeys? They are my minions!

    What a vivid imagination you have, my pretty! You should chuck the whole teaching thing and move to California to seek your fortune as a screenwriter.

    I was THISCLOSE to telling him that I would drive it over on the day his cleaning man comes so he could wash it.
