Monday, January 4, 2021


If you're out driving around, perhaps pulling a trailer-load of broken-up concrete fragments that you're looking to dump in an unmonitored sinkhole, and then you notice that all our vehicles are here, and the front window looks out towards the scene of your intended crime... maybe you will fabricate an alibi such as, "We were out driving around, and noticed you were home, so decided to stop for a visit!"

Yeah. Like we'll believe THAT!

Anyhoo... IF we decide to let you in (only if you're not wearing a germy mask), please keep your distance, and make sure you've brought your own yogurt!


Well. The individual strawberry Yoplait yogurts are gone. We still have the giant tubs of the plain yogurt that need a can of cherry pie filling stirred in. But I'm not going to the trouble just for you concrete-dumpers.

Up until Thursday, I would have been a good hostess, and offered you a strawberry Yoplait. It's not like it would have cost me anything. We were eating that Yoplait like it was going out of style! One for me and one for Hick every night. They expired on Dec 5. So we wanted to not-waste them. Hick said only a few were left in the Original FRIG over in the BARn, for him to bring to the house. But then he saw that the date on the last Yoplaits was Dec 13! So we had all the time in the world to eat the last two. 

Actually, NOT all the time in the world! We'd grown interested in trying the plain yogurt in the big tub (having 3 or 4 of them), flavored with canned cherry pie filling. It's delicious! So we finished the first round of that. Then we had holiday leftovers to eat. And we kind of forgot about the strawberry Yoplait.

Funny how I was looking for some grape jelly to have with my fried ham on a biscuit sandwich the other night, and I saw a squeeze bottle in the door of FRIG II. Huh. I didn't actually remember buying that grape jelly. Surely it wasn't back before The Pony went off to college...

I checked the date on the flip-top lid. But since Hick thinks 25-watt bulbs are fine for the kitchen, and one of my under-the-hood stove lights is burned out, and the under-the-cabinet fluorescents don't give me the right angle, and my glasses don't seem as powerful as they were when I got them the year before I retired... I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at. I THINK it said Feb 2010. SURELY NOT! 

Anyhoo... I put it back in the door of FRIG II, because The Pony and I have an unofficial contest as to who can find the oldest expired item in the kitchen. I think he's ahead, after clearing out all my flavor packets, leaving me with a pot of chili but no chili flavoring on Saturday.

Anyhoo... I was down in my dark basement lair, having sent The Pony a text while he was enjoying his nightly 2+ hour soak in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom, concerning the grape jelly. Heh, heh! Thinking I was going to surge ahead in this unofficial contest with a 2010.

Unfortunately, The Pony and his eagle eyes said that the grape jelly date was Feb 2018. Never mind...

BUT... The Pony said he noticed, on the top shelf of FRIG II's door, that a Yoplait yogurt wasn't sitting right. The expiration date of Dec 13 did not set any new records. But the picture he took puts him ahead in the unofficial contest.

Yes, The Pony threw it away. But I think he left the grape jelly. I guess I'll throw it out. I don't think it would be fair to leave it, so I could claim it again a few years down the line, IF The Pony is still living here...


  1. I throw out anything that has a use by date more than a year ago, sometimes even a six months old use by date if the item is more perishable, but most of the time I don't have old stock lying around. I don't buy in bulk anymore, without the kids around to eat stuff up.

    1. I think I might have (with the help of The Pony) purged all the food that was here before he left for college in August of 2016. OUCH! I just hurt my arm, patting myself on the back.

  2. Apparently the bottom of my left foot has a best used by date Dec 1992. No problem, I only use it to walk.

    1. Thank goodness you haven't thrown it out!

    2. Pity there aren't any secondfoot shops around, to go with all the secondhand shops.

  3. That yogurt container bottom looks ready to explode!

    1. Yes. Amazing how much stronger the thin foil top is than the plastic bottom!

  4. I found mac and cheese from 2019 and condiments from 2017, and spices, well let's not even go there. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    1. Then I should be able to turn into The Incredible VALk!

  5. I just purged the medicine cabinet and I had some items as old as 2005. I am sure I would have had older stuff, but we moved in 2004 and I purged then so I wouldn't be packing stuff that was useless.

    1. I don't want to think about the medicine cabinet! But here on my lair desk, I have a tube of Thera-Gesic from 2010.
