Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Val Is NOT Related to Paul Bunyan

Let the record show that I have a standing order with Hick to find me certain items at the auction. One of them was my penny goblet, for storing my Future Pennyillionaire fortune. Hick sailed through with flying colors on that one. Hit it out of the park.

Even though he got it (possibly by hook or by crook, we all know how Hick loves a bargain) from two little girls minding a yard sale table while their grandma went in the house.

Hick also found me a letter opener. It was quite beautiful, but sucked at opening letters.

 Then he found me a more basic model, so I could stop using a paring knife to open the mail.

The only item remaining on my standing order is a magnifying glass. I need it to read fine print sometimes, like on the bottom of an insurance card. Or the dates on my found pennies. I've been using the scratched plastic model that came in a glasses repair kit. I've had that thing for years. It works, but it's kind of tiny. And let's not forget: scratched.

A couple weeks ago, I found a magnifying glass on the kitchen counter. I knew it was for me. It was, after all, the morning after Hick had been to an auction. And I'd been asking for a magnifying glass. Let me share this magnificent magnifier with you.

That, my blogfriends, is a hard-core magnifying glass. Heavy duty. A magnifying glass on steroids. If I was an arsonist, I could have set those California fires from here. It is...um... how you say...TOO FREAKIN' BIG! I almost tore my rotator cuff when I picked it up. The kitchen counter is going to need special supports to hold it.

I'd say Hick was being all passive-aggressive in giving me this behemoth, but we have no current beef, and he was pretty pleased with himself for finding it.

I've used my new magnifying glass twice. Once to see the date on a penny. And once to look between the legs of a horse. More on that later. It's called FORESHADOWING, people!


  1. Looks like a standard size to me...mine also throws light onto the object I am looking at, I would be lost without it.

    1. I'm surprised Hick didn't find me whole magnifying helmet, to get 360 degree magnification!

  2. I think that new magnifying glass is the perfect size. You can magnify and read a whole page with out having to skim it up or down or across the lines. I like the letter opener too. I have a couple of letter openers, but still always use the butter knife that stays on my table to hole the pages of my current book open so I can read while eating.

    1. I could take it in the car to read street signs and billboards from a half mile away! That letter opener is wobbly because how the blade is wrapped to the handle.

  3. Very thoughtful of Hick; is he looking for forgiveness for anything?

    1. Hick NEVER stops looking for forgiveness. It can't hurt to store some for future (real or imagined) transgressions.

  4. I have a mega magnifier. Now I realize I need new gla$$e$.

    1. I know what you mean. I have to squint while wearing my glasses AND using the magnifying glass. I might need a magnifier like one of those big satellite dish things in New Mexico that listen to space. I think it's called the Very Large Array. You know, because it's bigger than just a large array.
