Monday, August 6, 2018

Call the WAAAmbulance!

Saturday morning was not kind to Val.

I was preparing to shut down SHIBA and take a shower before heading to town. It's my daily routine. I closed the X on the last open window on SHIBA's screen, and was dragging the cursor down to the start menu to click SHUT DOWN. That's when my life changed forever.

SHIBA's screen went black.

Yes, in mid-drag, all of Shiba's icons disappeared. She made no sound. Not a whimper, not a click, not a "Goodbye, old friend."

I sent a text to The Pony. That's because Genius is conveniently in TAIWAN for a week. Left Friday, arrived Saturday afternoon our time. It's almost as if SHIBA was biding her time.

"SHIBA is unresponsive! Call the waaambulance!"

"I refuse to acknowledge that sentence."

"You are no comfort in my time of need. I fear we have lost her. At least she didn't burst into flames like all the laptops you've tried to kill. Aside from that last drowning incident..."

"Excuse me! The laptops never caught fire! The chargers did!"

"I mourn her already. She was only 10."

"Call the Technowizard!"

"The Technowizard is in Taiwan on a business trip.He's either launching a product, or giving a presentation on how it works. Just he and his boss went. I'm pretty sure SHIBA waited for him to leave the country before expiring."

"Oh wow! He's climbing the ranks!"

"But it won't bring my SHIBA back!!!"

"Just use New Delly."

"How dare you suggest that I decrease my electronic gewgaws by 50%! When Dad has a $17,000 Freight Container Garage with a car lift, it's only purpose apparently storing his hoard. Good day to you!"

"Yet Dad's hoard has made thousands of dollars so far! And it keeps him out of your hair!"

"I see. So I'm a freeloader, my only purpose to provide the connection that gets the three of us health insurance at a formidable price."

"I'm just commenting, mother dear! To deprive him of his hobbies would require you to deal with him more."

"I shall replace my SHIBA at a price much lower than a Freight Container Garage!"

"True, very true."

RIP, my sweet SHIBA. Seems like only 9 years, 364 days ago you became part of the family.


  1. The pain is not so much purchasing a new laptop, but in making the new one look like the old one and learning the different nuances of a new laptop...almost as annoying as breaking in a new me, I know.

    1. I'm going to have to learn Windows 10!!! I'm used to Windows 7 on New Delly. And poor old SHIBA had Windows Vista.

      I'll take your word for it on breaking in wives. I think you finally got it right.

    2. I switched to Windows 10 & HATED it!! I went back to an older Windows number.

    3. I got used to Windows 10 pretty quickly, but I had my own personal tech-whiz to talk me though any problems I had. Really there weren't all that many problems, just differences between W7 and W10.

    4. Having trouble with my home page staying set! It's awkward. Too many updates right now, too. The Pony needs to take a look again.

  2. My own sweet Shiba (same brand) has similar hissy fits and I just walk away and start her up again later. Usually a good nap is all she needs. She's getting on in years and has had a battery replaced and I really don't want her to die. I have a back-up laptop, but I don't like him even half as much. He was cheap and has the clunkiness that goes with that.

    Will you replace Shiba with a new Shiba or get a different brand? If I was able to buy a new one just like the old one, I would, in a heartbeat, but it seems they are no longer available. Here in Australia at least.

    1. Got one today, different brand. The Pony will have to show me the ropes during our visit. If I'm not responding to comments, you'll know I haven't mastered my new laptop yet. I've got posts scheduled to publish while I'm away.

      I tried about 10 times to get SHIBA back. She's dead as a doornail. Nothing has ever been replaced on her, and I got her way back when Genius was in 8th grade. 2008. She had a good run.

    2. I'm so sad she died. And will start saving immediately for a replacement for when my shiba dies. mine is named Kaylee after the character in Firefly. I might see if I can get another Toshiba online, have her delivered. I really like this brand, best laptop I ever had.

    3. New one is HP. Still getting used to the keyboard being different spacing and feel.

  3. Finally catching up on your blog posts. WAA, I know what that feels like when you get the screen of death. Hope you have a replacement. That son of yours is wise, he knows having Dad around might make Mom cray-cray.

    1. I got a replacement, but we're still getting acquainted. The Pony does indeed know first-hand of life with Hick.
