Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Another One in the Series of Continuing Misfortunes of The Pony

The Pony just started his junior year at the University of Oklahoma last week. He's done remarkably well at living on his own (we won't count that ill-fated drive home his first Thanksgiving), considering how he'd barely been out of his own stall and paddock for 18 years. Sure, he had that Portal to Not-Heaven in his freezer, and he survived another freezer mishap when he was sure it was safe to keep glass bottles of root beer in there indefinitely. But overall, he's weathered the living-on-your-own storm.

A couple weeks ago, he scared the dickens out of me when he sent me a text:

"A bird just attempted a murder suicide on me. I was on the highway going about 70, and it just dived down out of nowhere and slammed into my passenger side mirror, and knocked it into the folded in position. I was just about to get into my exit lane, so I'm fine, but the sudden THUD and missing my most important mirror was very scary. The mirror looks fine. The bird is likely not."

"The mirror has some bird-shaped dust on it, but folded back out into place fine. I might have to adjust it when I leave. As I got off at my exit, I could see the bird in the other mirror, just laying on the highway with its legs sticking straight up. Luckily I got to my exit and it required just left turns to get into Steak-n-Shake. The car that got off right ahead of me swerved a little when it started driving, and I was most worried that it had hit my windshield or something from the sound of it."

"I got food and a shake and no longer have that heart pounding feeling. Also, you'll appreciate that the old couple next to me is talking about their bingo money."

"Just leaving now. The bird somehow knocked the inner mirror off kilter too, so I had to adjust it before I went."

That's the most he's ever texted me at one time. I know he was just occupying his time while waiting for his food, but he also seems to have been a bit shaken up, I think.

Good thing ol' Val is always available to commiserate.


  1. How could he NOT have been shaken up?

    1. My heart was pounding, and I'm 490 miles away!

  2. A bird slamming into a window will shake up the nerves of the steadiest person, even if it is a house window, not one in a moving car.

    1. Yeah, that bird had to hit hard to fold in the mirror. I'm jumpy when I run over a stick, and it thumps the bottom of the car. Even when I SEE the stick, and know it's going to happen.

  3. I've been victim of a "bird strike" and they will scare the bejeepeers out of ya.

    1. I hope you were able to stop and have a steakburger and a shake to calm your nerves!

  4. Glad he is okay; that could have ended badly. We never stop worrying about our little "birds" do we?

    1. Never. Not even when my little Pony is old and gray, providing I'm older and grayer and still around to worry.

  5. And he thought of his mom first thing! My boy turned 43 this year and he still calls me when his life has a big event or he has to talk his problems out. Makes me feel so special. I think boys and moms have special relationships. Girls lean on their dads and often dismiss their moms advice.

    1. I do feel that bond with The Pony. Hick feels it too, and is always lamenting that The Pony doesn't answer his texts or share things with him. Genius, however, is currently an island. Except for asking me general advice while driving between car dealerships the day he bought his first car.
