Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Sweet, Sweet Juno is an Animal

Hick got out his tractor and roller on Monday, and set to work smoothing the roads. He was assisted by Buddy, his oldest (longest, not in age) friend out here, who was helping, using his dump truck to haul rock.

Right before I left for town, I got a text from Hick:

"Juno with a baby armadillo she killed it sounds crunchy when she tried eating it" or it didn't happen, I guess.

This was down by the creek and mailbox row, where Hick was graveling at the time. You can see that one of those unknown loiterers have left Juno a water bottle in case she wants to enjoy an after-armadillo crunch. I don't know about you, but that doesn't look like any BABY armadillo I've ever seen. Though let the record show that I have never seen a baby armadillo, just the adults, living and dead, along the road. Check out the size of the tail on that critter!

Before I even pulled from the driveway onto the gravel road, I saw Hick and Buddy blocking it, over in front of the BARn field. Hick was at least off the side, sitting on his tractor. Buddy had his dump truck parked in the middle, and was standing by it, talking to Hick. I pulled over on the killer poodle and crazy Rottweiler's grassy area between road and fence, to get around. But I had to stop to give Hick some advice.

"We're fixing the road." Uh huh. More like shooting the bull.

"Armadillos can carry leprosy."

"I know." Suuure he did.

"Well, don't let her lick you."

As IF! Juno is MY dog! She loves to run after Hick on the tractor or Gator, and will tolerate him patting her on the head, and merely whimper and try to pull loose when he puts medicine between her shoulder blades, or picks off an errant tick. But no way would my Sweet, Sweet Juno jam her moist, rubbery, black nose into HIS mouth!

I was on my guard when I came home. No matter how much you love them, and how much you think your pets love you back...they are animals first.

As proven by the (perhaps leprosy-tainted) jaws of Juno.


  1. OMG, I thought leprosy was only in the Bible!

    1. Looks like Noah saved it when he transported armadillos!

  2. Leprosy? Really? Are there other animals that carry leprosy? Do we have them here in Australia? I may never leave the house again!

    1. I found a link for you:

      I think you can leave the house safely.

    2. Thank you. One more reason to keep my feet firmly planted in Australia.

  3. Armadillos carry leprosy? I never knew that. I think they're rather cute but now I'm glad they're not native to my country (the UK)and I've only ever seen one on TV and in a zoo!

    1. When I was a kid, we never saw them around here. I guess they've migrated north in my lifetime. You should be safe over there.

  4. Never smile at a crocodile--or pet an armadillo!!
