Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gibber Wonky

Twas summer and the pithy rogue did wire and gimbal in the lair...

Genius is home for the summer! Okay. By summer, I mean for exactly one week between finals and his summer internship for Garmin. Uh huh. Garmin. Not Charmin. At least I would be able to use the free swag given away by Charmin. But not by Garmin. Technology is not my friend, as Genius loves to emphasize.

I informed Genius of his aunt, The Bone Collector's, tire faux pas. "And she wouldn't ask for the bone! I'm sure the mechanic would give you the bone you ran over that flattened your tire. Even the doctor will give you your appendix in a jar when he takes it out!"

"Okay," said Genius. "If it means that much to you, I will put my own appendix in a jar after I take it out in a bathtub full of ice later on tonight."

"Don't be silly. That's would be a kidney. Not an appendix."

Oh, and off the record, to protect my it ironic that right before that conversation, Genius had just asked his dad for a jar to make paste water in for a photography project, and they were talking about how a blue jar is more valuable than clear, and Ball is more valuable than Kerr?

I don't have a picture of it tonight, but Genius built himself a 3D printer. I know that, because there was a contraption on the long couch, and I couldn't quite turn my head to get a good look, but it was a bunch of colored wires on sliding bars attached to a plywood platform, and The Pony, who carried it in the house, told me it was a 3D printer. Genius confirmed that indeed, he had built it in a weekend. Maybe in the future, I'll get evidence to show any doubters. Or any believers. Because I purely love to show the handiwork of my offspring.

Here's what Genius made for me tonight. I was right in the middle of yelling at him form coming into my dark basement lair and flipping on the overhead fluorescent lights and begging for cotton candy before criticizing the PEEPS Hick and The Pony bought me at Goodwill for Mother's Day, then helping himself to my Ghirardelli Raspberry Chocolate Squares that came from Walmart, I hope, instead of Goodwill.

So here it is, in a photo taken by The Pony on his phone, right before he knocked the gimbal all wonky.

Yep. There I was, in the middle of yelling at Genius, when he handed me that MOM figurine-y letter-y thingy, with the gimbal in the middle of it.

Just between you and that ironic?


  1. I looks plastic, not irony.

  2. Cool thingy your boy has there. I see you and I shop for the same kinds of candy at the same places.

  3. What kind of favor/pile of money is he going to ask for? It sounds like he's buttering you up for something. (The last person I saw all buttered up had a hairy chest, and was grinning away as he bubbled in a hot tub/pot. It was an electrifying experience, if I remember correctly.)

  4. joeh,
    I see what you did there!

    Thank you for looking out for Joe. It takes a blogroll to raise a crank.

    Yes, I'm sure you have never had the urge to bring home a box of auction meat.

    He DID ask for money to get a haircut, and offered to do the grocery shopping for me long as I gave him my debit card. I need to look over that receipt.

    I'll bet your buttery hipster doofus looked delicious, like a turkey waving his wing at you...
