Saturday, January 4, 2025

Sometimes, It's Who You Know. Sometimes It's Not.

Hick had a tale when he returned from a half-day of selling at his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5) on Friday.

"This guy come in. He's a regular customer. I sold him a knife. A CASE knife, with five blades. I knew he worked at our bank. I've seen him in there. He must be a manager or something. He might have just got a promotion. You've probably seen him in there."

"I've never seen a man in our bank. Except a teller, a couple months ago, and only that one time."

"Well, I don't remember what we was talkin' about, but I said, 'Oh, and I've got a complaint about the bank.' He said, 'Let me guess. It's the drive-thru.' And I said, 'Nah. That don't bother me none. I'm mad because it cost me $10 to take my money out in a cashier's check.'"

"WHAT? You had the chance, and didn't tell him how your bad-knee wife can hardly walk into the lobby and stand for 20 minutes waiting to be waited on?"

"No. But he said that banks have rules, and he doesn't always agree with them. And that sometimes it depends on which teller I get."

"I can understand that. A newer teller may not have the authority to waive a fee for a cashier's check. Or it might depend on the balance in the account, or how long you've been banking with them. A new teller might not know all that, or think to check it."

"Whatever. Complaining to him didn't do no good! He didn't offer to refund my $10!"

Anyhoo... Hick said the guy told him that the drive-thru issue is about to go away. That they just have trouble hiring people. Hick was shocked to hear that they pay $20 per hour, with benefits, and still can't hire a teller. AND that if they already have experience, they can make $25 per hour.

I suppose people just don't want to work these days.


  1. Replies
    1. Makes you wonder about the future of a society where able-bodied people can live comfortably without working. If they lived uncomfortably, I would think they'd be more receptive to seeking employment.

  2. I know far too many people who don't want to work, I also know a few who didn't really want to but once they had a job and money in their pocket they were happier about it.

    1. Simply existing from day to day, with no goals or hopes for the future, would seem to be a sad life.

  3. The goal of some young people is to become an influencer and become rich and famous.

    1. I can see how a 9-to-5 job with regular income would interfere with such a goal!
