Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Hickster Needs an Umbrella to Protect His Noggin From the Rain of Bargains

The day after Hick bemoaned his insouciance at not bidding on that half-full box of drawer/cabinet knobs for $9 at the auction... he found a suitable deal online.

"I seen on Amazon that there's 30 knobs for $15. I only need 22. And they're already black. I thought I was going to have to paint some black. You can order them for me."

"I can. When you're here to tell me exactly what you want. Telling me to Google it does not mean I will find the same items that came up for you."

"Yeah. Okay. Then I'll have my knobs."

In other Double Hovel flip house developments, Hick plumbed himself into a new bargain while alleviating the poop pipe problems of his buddy. He had neglected to mention it until we got to the discussion of Double Hovel expenses.

"My buddy has some lumber I need for rebuilding the deck off the kitchen. He's had it for a while. Got it for his nephew to fix his roof, but the nephew said those boards are too heavy to put on a roof. But they're just what I need for the deck. My buddy said I could have them for $100. It's probably $300 worth of lumber. It will give me about a third of what I need for the deck."

"I don't know how you always find these deals."

"You just gotta keep your eyes open, and know what things are worth."

Not sure what Hick will come home with next... 


  1. One man's junk is Hicks treasure.

    Hmmm, that does sound wrong to my 13 yo self.

    1. Heh, heh! So true! Good thing that "junk" reference would fly right over Hick's noggin! He is not known for his sense of humor.

  2. Oh, Hick. What you will discover it will be utterly amazing.

    1. He certainly has a way of falling into these bargains. Or as he says, paraphrased, falling rumpus-backwards into them.

  3. That's a bargain on the lumber, but if it only does a third of the deck he still has to buy more but then he has that $200 saving.

    1. How inconsiderate of Hick's buddy not to have enough mistaken lumber for an entire deck! Hick knew it wasn't enough to do the whole job. Of course he's going to jump at a chance to save $200. Hick's the guy who will sell his merchandise for a 50-cent profit! Even though it's not HIS money, $200 is like a fortune to him.

  4. Tell Hick I would love to shop with him! I convinced HeWho drives to take his bored and dizzy wife junking. He was very accommodating with the promise of luch out and a lasagna I whipped up for supper. I will be posting about the day soon.

    1. You two could get into so much trouble! Hick befriending everyone, and you speaking your mind about the prices. It could be like good-cop, bad-cop. You'd probably break an axle hauling home the bargains.

      Can't wait to hear about your junking adventure!
