Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hick, the Universal Pet

Hick is not just the pet of the cooks at the Senior Center. He's the pet at the new storage units where he spends Friday-Sunday at his SUS2.

Hick left a little early on Friday.

"Why are you going already?"

"Because I told [the woman who runs the storage units] that I would open the gate to the Port-A-Potties for her."

Such a good egg, our Hick. Entrusted with portable toilets!

Hick's pride wenteth before his fall. Friday evening, he went over to the BARn as soon as he got home.

"A guy came in who collects beer stuff. I know I have what he wants over in the BARn. I'm going to get it so I'll have it in the morning to take to my SUS2."

When Hick came back, he reported an accident.

"I was coming down the steps from my BAR, and on the very last step, I caught my toe in the crack between the steps. I fell."

"On the floor???"

"Yeah. Right down on the concrete."

"You need to be more careful! I never would have known if you were hurt. If you weren't back over here by 8:00, I might have driven over to look for you. But otherwise, I would have assumed you got carried away with looking at all your stuff."

"I hurt my knee again, like when I fell at the football game. I'm going to take a shower, and see how bad it it."

"It'll hurt more tomorrow!"

Saturday morning, Hick reported that his big toe on his left foot was black. And that he had a scrape on his knee a couple inches long.

He doesn't think his toe is broken. He can move it. Painfully. Anyhoo... there's really nothing that can be done for a broken toe. I feel bad for him, but I'm glad he didn't knock himself out.


  1. A friend just recently stubbed her "this little piggy had none" toe and likely broke it. She is a retired nurse. She taped her toe to the toe next to it and despite it taking a long time, is finally starting to heal and feel normal. She said it affected her gait, thus aggravating her hip. It's like a chain reaction that brings truth to the "hip bone's connected to the knee bone etc. etc. etc." I recommend ice for the knee. I have fallen and bashed my knee many times and the ice pack is the one thing that helped me recover. Well, that and Tylenol. Ranee (MN)

    1. Not sure if Hick's big toe would benefit being taped to the "little piggy who stayed home." He has really stubby toes (no pun intended).

      Hick doesn't sit still long enough to ice the knee, even in his recliner in the evening. I used to have a double-baggie full of ice that I refroze every day, and took to my dark basement lair to put on my sore knee. Now heat feels better.

  2. I hope the toe and knee are okay without further intervention.

    1. The injuries might be painful, and slow to heal, but I think Hick is gonna make it!
