Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hick's Latest Catch

Just because Hick starts new projects bi-weekly doesn't mean he forgets his former loves.

Here is the most recent denizen of the Fishing Lair:

Not sure what, exactly, Hick looks for in memorabilia to include in this year-old structure in Shackytown. This one is obviously not attempting to duplicate a real fish. Nor is it equipped with pointy stabbers to actually hook a real fish. Maybe next week, he'll bring home a child's artistic rendering ripped from the pages of a coloring book. I don't know if he plans to hang this catch on the wall, or let it balance itself on the sea-blue counter.

In case you've forgotten what the outside of the Fishing Lair looks like, here it is again, in its beginning stages:

And some of the early treasures on the inside:

In the next few days, I'll share what Hick has been working on for the past week. Let the record show that it is NOT a themed shed for Shackytown.


  1. Replies
    1. Of course you do. It's full of guy junk. Or treasures...

  2. Ha! What bait did he hook that fish with?

    1. I'd like to think it was a colorful wooden worm. But in reality, it was most likely green paper.

  3. Perhaps Joeh needs to move to Shackytown, and he can live in the Fishing Lair...

    Are those three little copper cowbells behind the fish?

    1. I think that's a scathingly brilliant idea. And he can have all the fresh water he wants if he turns the handle on the outside spigot for the well. No more USED WATER for our Joe H!

      The Pony says they are weights. Like big coppery sinkers, not the silvery lead ones.

  4. I'm thinking you could charge visitors a fee to enter each of Hick's out buildings. And what is behind this door?

    1. I'm always open to marketing suggestions for my proposed handbasket factory theme park.

      There's still so much teacher in me that I thought those two items behind the colorful fish were PENCIL SHARPENERS! I bleed Ticonderoga yellow.

  5. Is Hick the only resident of Shackytown?
