Monday, May 19, 2014

When You Have an Unbroken Back, You Have Everything

I took a day off from work today. Because 21 snow days is not enough.

I still have three days remaining of my allotted contract sick leave and personal days that will simply disappear on the last day of school like a burst soap bubble. Such a hardship to have accumulated the maximum.

This day had been planned for almost a week. It seems Val is scarily psychic about her days off. Who knew I would be laid up with a broken back on this very date? Okay. So my back has not been officially diagnosed as broken. The internet tells me it is a rib that popped out of its little socket, and now the surrounding muscles are rebelling, and perhaps keeping it from slipping right back where it belongs.

I saw a cohort on the school parking lot this morning when I dropped off The Pony. She had the same malady last week, and looked like death warmed over for three days. The difference is, she acquired her injury from working out. Mine was working out. She laughed and told me she knew I was miserable, and that she hoped I would get over it quickly. Too bad laughing did not cause her a relapse. I asked how she got through it, and she replied, "Muscle relaxers and a trip to the chiropractor." Since I have neither, I will be toughing it out. She did recommend ice, which I applied around noon, and obtained some relief.

From school, I went by my mom's house to drop off The Pony's laptop. Mom was picking him up from school today, then Hick was getting him after work for an informational meeting in preparation for his Missouri Scholars Academy attendance this summer. I didn't get out to visit with Mom. I still had to make a trip to Walmart for a few items. Saving my energy was important. Of course Mom made me laugh, and that set off a renewed spasm of agony.

Thank goodness Walmart had a cart for me to lean on like a walker. Or so I thought. It seems that the Walmart floor-sweepers are not as conscientious as they might be, or that hooligans run amok on the makeup aisle. Believe me, I was not shopping for makeup, but merely taking what I believed to be a shortcut. One lady was blocking the aisle. She kind of huffed and hauled her cart over to the side. I'm pretty sure she's one of those drivers who take her half out of the middle as well.

So there I was, wheeling my walker cart up the makeup aisle, when IT SLAMMED TO A STOP LIKE I HAD COLLIDED WITH A BRICK WALL! Oh, my aching back. That set off a new spasm. It was all I could do not to scream. I didn't want that blocker woman to think I was challenging her to a fight. I pulled my cart back in an effort to lose whatever had acted like a tire wedge on my left front wheel. You won't believe what stopped me in my tracks and caused me such agony.


That definitely added insult to my injury. I need to stay home, wrap myself in roll of carded cotton, lay down on a mountain of memory foam, and heal. But I am needed at school, what with the end finally in sight, and the students having a whiff of freedom cross their nostrils every fifty minutes. Two days in a row out from under my iron-fisted thumb is not a pleasant scenario.

I really hope Hick does not put a pea under my mattress to test me tonight.


  1. I that could be a WalMart law suit:

    "Woman suffers back injury caused by fingernail"

    Could be a Stupid Headline.

  2. If Hick does put a pea under your mattress you can prove once and for all that you are truly a princess.

  3. I can see it now...Hick in brocade britches and a fancy white wig, prancing around trying to devise a way to determine if you are discerning enough, and he settles on putting a pea under the mattress. But then the CPAP starts whooshing away, which is certainly enough of a test...

  4. I do hope you feel better soon. My knees are debating with one another to see which can cause me more pain.

  5. I laugh in commisseration (is that a word?) with your pain.

  6. I hope you rest well. Maybe Hick will sleep on the couch and leave the bed to your and your back. I'm sorry, didn't mean to make you laugh!!

  7. Oh I am sorry I do hope you feel better soon but you should really go see a Chiropractor I know I had that from working out on the farm not at a gym and yes non working (funny) does it too I know it hurts take care. B

  8. Pain is the great leveler. I hope your recovery is short. You little charges will breeze out of the school year without you as with; take all the days.

  9. joeh,
    Shhh! You could have used that for a fake Headline! Too late now, cat's out of the bag, horse has escaped the barn, Elvis has left the building.

    As if there was any doubt. I believe that the burden is on everybody else to prove that I am NOT a princess!

    Fancypants Hick would be more likely to use a jagged pebble from the cuff of his work pants. A pea is a terrible thing to waste.

    As long as your knees are running neck and neck, perhaps you won't have a limp.

    Thanks for jumping on the bandwagon. Look out! Don't throw out you back.

    Yeah. That didn't happen. This is one instance where laughter is not the best medicine.

    My legion of sympathizers buoy my spirits. Thank you for feeling my pain. And for the advice.

    You're putting a bee in my bonnet! I got my fake check stub because it was direct deposit payday, and saw those three days mocking me in black and white.
