Sunday, April 14, 2024

They're Multiplying

I mentioned a few weeks ago how Hick was astounded that the "business" behind the Gas Station Chicken Store was letting pallets pile up. Of course he wanted to get some of them for his themed-shed-building needs. But he was reluctant to ask about those pallets. I still haven't gotten to the root of that issue.

Anyhoo... on Saturday, I noticed that not only were those pallets still there, but they seemed to be multiplying!

Definitely the same pallets as before, plus more! A closer view reveals the extent of the accumulation.

Yet when I mentioned to Hick that there were even more pallets now, all he said was "FIRE HAZARD!" As if he would rather punish that business than ask about taking some of those pallets off their property.

I will have to investigate Hick's motive further.


  1. Huh, I wonder what the store plans to do with all those pallets. Maybe they have some company that will take them and they are just waiting to fill a truckload with them.

    1. That's the only reason I can think of. It's not like those pallets are going to disappear on their own. Adding more every week does not seem logical.

  2. Based on your photo, it would appear that space is at a premium, as in, they're running out of space, at least in that particular area. Seems, yet again, that Hick would be doing them a favor. He could build a lot more buildings to add to his self-made community. Ranee (MN)

    1. They even blocked their loading dock area. I guess next will be stacks of pallets in the field. Hick could use that wood to build them a nice shed for storing pallets, heh, heh.

  3. How can they just let them build up like that? What is wrong with those people? Like Hick my first thought was fire hazard when I saw how many are there now. I hope they're not planning a fire to collect insurance.

    1. The one of the firehouses is about a quarter mile up that road in front of the place. So it would take a very fast and sneaky arsonist to pull that off.

  4. The people might be waiting for someone to want the pallets. Plus, that looks like good dwelling places for rats. Of course, a fire hazard, too. At least, they are orderly.

    1. They could probably get a bargain from the rat poison factory that's a quarter mile down the road (to the left, in the opposite direction of the firehouse). That could put an end to their rat condominium, though the structure would still be there for other inhabitants to move in. Possums, maybe.

  5. Hmmmm. The plot thickens. As well as the pile of pallets.

    1. Yes. They seem to have enough pallets to make it worthwhile for somebody to haul off a truckload. Surely giving them away would be better than paying for removal.

      Hick used to bid on a pile of pallets at his old workplace. The company didn't want to pay for having a dumpster full of pallets, and could make a little money from people wanting them.

  6. Perhaps Hick could casually stroll in there one day and say he's noticed a lot of pallets building up and woud they be willing to sell a few?

    1. Yeah, the worst they could do is say NO. Of course, Hick probably wants them for free...
